One Person’s Journey of Healing Through Grief

One Person’s Journey of Healing Through Grief

While every person’s experience of grief is unique and the process of healing is seldom neat or straightforward, I felt the steps that I had heard that day were ones I wanted to hold onto and seek God for the strength to take when my turn eventually comes.

How To Have a Conversation With Someone Who Won’t Open Up

How To Have a Conversation With Someone Who Won’t Open Up

When another person won’t open up, it’s often because they don’t feel safe to do so. Maybe you’ve had this conversation before, and it didn’t end well. Maybe you’ve made your views painfully clear, and your views felt a little painful! Maybe the person fears how you’ll respond. There are a number of ways to handle this.

How To Have a Difficult Conversation

How To Have a Difficult Conversation

When we avoid hard conversations, problems go unaddressed, and tensions rise. These three principles help me to approach difficult conversations with humility and grace.

Stories That Sabotage Important Conversations and What To Do About Them

Stories That Sabotage Important Conversations and What To Do About Them

As we’re listening to someone, we often try to fit things into stories we’ve heard before. Sometimes, we turn to stories that accurately reflect reality and they help us to quickly assess the situation. Other times, we turn to stories that hijack the conversation and prevent us from finding a healthy resolution. Consider some of the stories that most commonly sabotage the talks that we have.

How Important Conversations Can Go Sideways

How Important Conversations Can Go Sideways

When we find ourselves in conversations about issues that are important to us, it’s easy to lose out to our worst tendencies. Our words can degrade into sarcasm and discussions can end with door slamming. Consider some of the things that can make conversations go sideways and what to do instead.

Is This Why You’re Not Talking About the Things That Matter?

Is This Why You’re Not Talking About the Things That Matter?

When a conversation feels awkward, my instinct is to clam up and withdraw. Other people push forward and say things they regret. These principles help both types have more productive conversations about the things that matter.

What’s Expected of a Church Member?

What’s Expected of a Church Member?

Church membership isn’t a marriage vow. But there are similar dynamics at play. We make basic commitments to one another because we believe they help preserve our faith. And the commitments we make help to clarify how we’re to be family to one another.

Simple Ways to Cultivate Awe and Lower Your Stress

Simple Ways to Cultivate Awe and Lower Your Stress

Awe can lower our stress and give a greater sense of peace and rest. But it’s easy to miss the awe. Christians can read their Bibles, pray, serve, and go to church either intentionally pursuing awe or acting largely oblivious to it. Here are some simple ways to cultivate awe in your relationship with God.

Are Science and the Bible Pointing to the Same Solution for the Stress You’re Feeling?

Are Science and the Bible Pointing to the Same Solution for the Stress You’re Feeling?

Stress affects all of us in different ways and it comes from different directions. But when stress is constant and not released, researchers say that it results in anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, muscle tension, and heart disease. Obviously, monitoring stress and finding relief from it is something that needs to be on our radar. What’s fascinating to me is that recent research points in the same direction that the Bible has prescribed for thousands of years.

Is New Testament Prophecy Different Than Old Testament Prophecy?

Is New Testament Prophecy Different Than Old Testament Prophecy?

There’s a belief that New Testament prophecy may contain a kernel of truth even if there’s a husk of error. Something can get lost in the translation. There’s also an appeal to what I’ll call humble prophecy. Instead of saying, “Thus says the Lord,” people are encouraged to say things like “I feel God wants me to tell you this.” All of this seems well-intentioned. But is it biblical?