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What We Learned When Church Was Hard for Us as Parents

What We Learned When Church Was Hard for Us as Parents

If you’re a Christian parent, at some point, church will probably be a challenge for you and your kids. It was for me, and yet in retrospect, those challenges blessed our kids and our family, and I’m grateful for them. Let me share some of the lessons we learned when church was hard.

According to Jesus, We’ve Got Personal Productivity All Wrong

According to Jesus, We’ve Got Personal Productivity All Wrong

There’s so much to do, and if you believe that what you do matters, doing more of it and doing it well is important. I’ve read all the books and I’ve tried all the apps. They’re helpful, but they tend to say the same things using different words. Jesus makes a truly unique contribution to a vision of personal productivity.

What You Do When Your Child Gets Between You and Your Spouse

What You Do When Your Child Gets Between You and Your Spouse

What’s ironic is that you tell yourself you’re making these sacrifices for your child, but the tension in your relationship is actually adding stress to your parenting and anxiety to your children.

How the Lord’s Supper Helps Us Keep the Gospel Central

How the Lord’s Supper Helps Us Keep the Gospel Central

We create sayings to remind ourselves about things we recognize as important:

  • “Keep the main thing, the main thing”

  • “First things first”

  • “Don’t sweat the small stuff”

Each of these slogans helps us remember the importance of prioritizing our priorities. And they highlight the reality that often other things distract us from what we believe should be central.

The church is not immune to this. I’ve seen Christians become obsessed with ‘biblical’ diets, numerology, church growth, the end times, particular forms of worship, home-schooling, social justice, speaking in tongues, and not speaking in tongues. In each case, a secondary issue became an all-consuming issue. In some cases, a good thing became a bad thing because it replaced the best thing. At times, I despaired that Christians seemed to get excited about almost anything other than the gospel!

Today, there is a trend to make the gospel a priority. But like all trends, this one will likely pass. When it does, we will still have God’s appointed means for keeping the gospel front and centre in our lives: The Lord’s Supper. Let me explain three ways that the Lord’s Supper can help us remember to keep our focus on the gospel.