Out of Neutral — Grace Baptist Church

Viewing entries tagged
progressive Christianity

Shouldn’t Christians Stop Arguing About Their Beliefs and Focus On Being Better People?


Shouldn’t Christians Stop Arguing About Their Beliefs and Focus On Being Better People?

Philip Gulley tells the story of his debates in Grade 6 with his best friend Joe. Philip was a Catholic and Joe was a Jehovah’s Witness. Each tried to convince the other that they were wrong. While Gulley would go on to abandon his beliefs in God, he would often think about Joe and reflect on their playground arguments. And he concluded that their attempts to convince each other of right and wrong were misguided. He longs for a world where we don’t “concern ourselves with the perceived errors and heresies of others.” Something about his story and his conclusion ring true, but are they? Are we too uptight about discerning what’s true? Should we just focus on being better people? I’m not convinced that kindness and goodness can flourish apart from the truth. Here’s why.


When You’re Tempted To Reject God’s Word, This Is How You’ll Justify It


When You’re Tempted To Reject God’s Word, This Is How You’ll Justify It

It’s easy to put other Christians and other churches who have rejected God’s commands in a different category from ourselves. We say things like, “I can’t believe they did that,” but our surprise says more about us than it does about them.


Why Can’t Christianity Keep Up With the Times?


Why Can’t Christianity Keep Up With the Times?

At first, the idea of a trendy God seems like just what we need. But how long would you follow Jesus if He wore skinny jeans? We need a classic God, not a trendy one. A God who keeps up with the times is like a dad who tries to talk and dress like his teenage son. God makes no attempt to keep up with the times because He exists outside of time. But because God doesn’t change, you can be confident that He won’t change His mind, and so you can rely on what He says.
