Out of Neutral — Grace Baptist Church
Why Jesus Blinded Saul and How He Does the Same Thing Today


Why Jesus Blinded Saul and How He Does the Same Thing Today

Reading the Bible often challenges our assumptions about Jesus. Take, for example, what He does to Saul. Usually, Jesus heals blind people. But why does He blind someone who can see? And what does that tell us about Him? Am I next? Is this the kind of thing that Jesus does to people? Why wasn’t I warned about this in Sunday School?
[Please note: Due to technical difficulties, a video could not be recorded again this week.]


"The Legend of Jesus" Is Way Better Than the Gospels


"The Legend of Jesus" Is Way Better Than the Gospels

Have you read “The Legend of Jesus”? In it, Jesus doesn’t get tired, and He doesn’t rest by the well in Samaria or fall asleep in the boat. The crowds don’t turn away from Him, and the disciples just seem to get it. They don’t keep dozing off in the garden when Jesus asks them to pray. And Peter certainly doesn’t cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant or deny that he’s one of Jesus’ followers. In “The Legend of Jesus,” Jesus doesn’t pray for the Father to let Him off the hook. And He doesn’t need a stranger to help Him carry the cross. “The Legend of Jesus” is amazing.

[Please note: Due to technical difficulties, a video could not be recorded this week.]


Good Things God Might Be Doing When Bad Things Happen


Good Things God Might Be Doing When Bad Things Happen

Over the years, I have had many people reveal to me a terrible trial or sickness they’re facing and the sickening feeling they have that God has cursed them or punished them for some unknown sin they have committed. People brought those same kinds of assumptions to Jesus, and He opened their eyes to the many ways that God redeems the trials we face for our good.


According to Jesus, We’ve Got Personal Productivity All Wrong


According to Jesus, We’ve Got Personal Productivity All Wrong

There’s so much to do, and if you believe that what you do matters, doing more of it and doing it well is important. I’ve read all the books and I’ve tried all the apps. They’re helpful, but they tend to say the same things using different words. Jesus makes a truly unique contribution to a vision of personal productivity.
