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How Do I Know What My Spiritual Gift Is?

How Do I Know What My Spiritual Gift Is?

Once you’ve been reading the New Testament for a while, you run into various lists of spiritual gifts. They can be confusing and intimidating. There are so many of them and people disagree about what some of them mean. It can be hard to understand what your gift might be. One of the ways that the church has responded to the confusion has been with quizzes and assessments. You can go through questionnaires that are designed to predict your spiritual gift (see an example: here). While those may have some value, I think there’s a better way.

Why Others in the Church Don’t Care the Way You Do

Why Others in the Church Don’t Care the Way You Do

Have you ever wondered why others in the church don’t care the way you do? Have you at least noticed that they don’t? If you haven’t felt this yet, before long you probably will. When I first felt this, I didn’t ask the why question; I assumed it. I assumed that other people didn’t care the way I did because they just didn’t care. I assumed that it must be a deficiency in their faith or their passion or something! What I was experiencing was real, but my assumptions about it were all wrong. Let me explain why other Christians don’t care the way that you do.

Shouldn’t the Pastor Do Something about That?

Shouldn’t the Pastor Do Something about That?

Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘The pastor should do something about that’? I have. The more you read about the church in Scripture, the more you see that needs to be fixed. There are things that we’re not doing. There are ways that we’re not relating. There are purposes we’re not fulfilling. As a pastor, I feel burdened to evangelize those who are lost, disciple those who are new, counsel those who are struggling, comfort those who are weak, train up our leaders, oversee our office, lead the church in prayer and still devote the bulk of my energy to teaching and preaching God’s Word. The reality is that I often try to do all of those things, but the Bible says that there are a few things a pastor should focus on.

How the Church Would Be Different if Jesus Didn’t Start a Small Group

How the Church Would Be Different if Jesus Didn’t Start a Small Group

I think we often take for granted the fact that Jesus lived and ministered with a group of twelve disciples. Moses didn’t do that. Neither did David or Elijah. In one sense, the apostles were unique. Jesus was setting apart twelve representatives for the birth of the church, patterned after the twelve tribes of Israel. But the character of the church was forever transformed by the fact that Jesus invested in a small group of disciples rather than just signing a book deal or travelling as a conference speaker. The impact of Jesus’ small group shows us why it’s important that we make time for small group fellowship ourselves.

What You’re Missing When Church in Your Pajamas Feels Normal

What You’re Missing When Church in Your Pajamas Feels Normal

As the pandemic wears on, there’s a part of us that will begin to call ‘normal’ things that used to feel strange. ‘Doing church’ in pajamas on the sofa may start to feel like the ultimate in Sunday morning spirituality. People who have replaced evening ministry with Netflix may find it hard to go back. Even the isolation that we all struggle with may begin to feel attractive. Meeting people can be awkward, and relationships are often messy, we’ll tell ourselves. As you feel any of those thoughts, remember why fellowship is so essential and what we miss when we don’t invest in it. Let me give four specifics.

Why You’d Be Disappointed With a Visit to the Early Church

Why You’d Be Disappointed With a Visit to the Early Church

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to visit one of the earliest churches? If you stopped in on a service, I think you’d likely be disappointed. In fact, I doubt you’d ever go back. By our modern standards, everything would feel a little disorganized. It might not start on time and, if the apostle Paul was the preacher, there’s no telling when it might end. The worship music would probably strike you as a little amateur. Besides that, there would be no Sunday School, no youth group, no dedicated building, no bulletins, no PowerPoint, no sound system, and no sermon outline. You’d probably return from your visit, wondering how the early church grew at all. And yet, grow it did! The reason for the disconnect is that we often evaluate churches by their programs and externals, whereas the power of the early church wasn’t as easy to advertise. To experience the impact of the early church, you’d have to hang around longer than most people today are eager to. But if you did, you’d see that the heart of the church was in their community life and the quality of relationships they built together. One of the windows into early church life comes through the “one another” commands of the New Testament. By seeing what everyday believers were called to do to one another, we get a better picture of what we’re called to be as a church.

Rethinking Fellowship From the Ground Up

Rethinking Fellowship From the Ground Up

Last time, we looked at the earliest description of the church (Acts 2:42-47) and noted how they “devoted themselves to … the fellowship.” We said that it’s hard for us as Canadians because we love our privacy and our independence. I think it’s made even harder by the fact that we’re fuzzy on the word itself. I mentioned that I used to think that fellowship was just the Christian version of hanging out. Today, people use the word to describe a grant given to someone to do advanced studies (e.g. a research fellowship). We use the word to describe a loose association of people with a common interest or cause (e.g. The National Schizophrenia Fellowship). But none of these gets at the word that’s used in the Bible. Fellowship translates the Greek word koinonia. It was used to refer to friendships, partnerships and even marriages. The main idea always has the sense of active involvement in a relationship. Let’s look at what we can learn from how the word is used in Scripture.

I Like Jesus and My Privacy. What’s the Matter With That?

I Like Jesus and My Privacy. What’s the Matter With That?

We Canadians love our privacy and independence, don’t we? Maybe geography has something to do with it. Canada has just 4 people for every square kilometre of land, while many countries average thousands of people in the same space. Whatever it is, we guard our independence. We value privacy. We keep our distance. We struggle to get too close. Is there anything wrong with that? As long as we let Jesus in, do we have to let other people in, too? Let’s look at what the Bible says.

How Does Someone Become a Church Member?

How Does Someone Become a Church Member?

For many people, the process of becoming a church member feels hidden and obscure. So much so, that some people assume that they are members just because they’ve been attending a church for a certain period of time. On the other hand, there are people who think that they need to be invited to become members or achieve a certain ‘level’ before they’re deemed worthy. This is not the case. Let me explain why there is a formal membership process and what it consists of.

How the Lord’s Prayer Can Teach You to Pray

How the Lord’s Prayer Can Teach You to Pray

I’m old enough now to remember when the Lord’s Prayer was recited every morning in the public schools that I attended. Repeating those words every day influenced how I thought about God, to some extent, but it didn’t really teach me how to pray. If I recited a 10-line poem to my wife every day and that represented the sum total of our communication, I’m not sure we’d still be married! In the same way, just reciting the Lord’s Prayer isn’t how we speak to the God who invites into a relationship. Besides, right before teaching the disciples this prayer, Jesus warned them against mindlessly repeating empty phrases (Matthew 6:7), so it’s clear that mere repetition wasn’t His goal. The Lord’s Prayer doesn’t tell us what to pray so much as it teaches us how to pray. Let me share 3 ways it can do that.