Viewing entries tagged
will of God

Always Start With DONE Before You Move to DO

Always Start With DONE Before You Move to DO

The biggest difference between Christianity and other religions and philosophies is that the Bible declares that what God has done for us – not what we have done for Him – is the basis of our forgiveness, acceptance and salvation. By contrast, other religions teach what we have to do in order to go to heaven, be acceptable to God or achieve our potential. Many Christians bring a non-Christian mindset to how they live the Christian life. When they hear a sermon, they only hear what they have to do. When they open the Bible, they only see God’s commands. And, ironically, Christianity can become a non-Christian religion in the process. There’s a simple pattern that the Scriptures give for correcting this: start with DONE before you move to DO. Let me explain.

4 Questions to Ask Before You Make Your Next Decision

4 Questions to Ask Before You Make Your Next Decision

Yesterday we attended Evan’s graduation and celebrated this milestone in his life. Young people from a variety of backgrounds were all full of hope and plans for the future. It’s usually a time preceded by searching as students try to choose a path. The choices they make will shape a large part of their future. But students aren’t the only ones who have to make important decisions. How do you make decisions about where you’ll live, what car you’ll buy, or how you’ll spend your summer? Some decisions are easy; other far more difficult. Over the years, four questions have guided my decision making and helped me to try to discern what to do when I’ve felt stuck. But the questions need to be asked and considered in order because different issues are more important and more clear than others.