As we deal with another lockdown, the effects of the past year are mounting up. There are struggles with isolation and anxiety. Plans that we put our hopes in for relief and escape keep getting pushed out farther into the future. We can feel helpless and wonder how much gas is left in the tank. Even the language can add to our stress. When we hear that the premier’s pulling “the emergency brake,” it sounds like we’re in a car that’s skidding out of control and we’re about to do some risky maneuver. When they say that we’re in a “lockdown” or under “stay-at-home orders,” you can’t help but picture bars on the doors or at least a monitoring anklet to ensure that we don’t escape.
The apostle Paul was actually under stay-at-home orders when he wrote the book of Philippians. He was chained to rotating shifts of Roman guards who ensured that he stayed put. He wasn’t waiting for a vaccine to bring his lockdown to an end. He was waiting on a trial that would likely end in his death. Despite his circumstances, he exuded joy, hope, and confidence. What can we learn from him to better cope with the lockdown that we’re facing?
I think we make subconscious value judgments all the time. We decide whether something is worth our time by the impact we feel it makes. The same is true of ministry. We want our lives to count, the question is how? How can you make the most impact in ministry? Let me share four ways I think the Bible answers that question.
Once you’ve been reading the New Testament for a while, you run into various lists of spiritual gifts. They can be confusing and intimidating. There are so many of them and people disagree about what some of them mean. It can be hard to understand what your gift might be. One of the ways that the church has responded to the confusion has been with quizzes and assessments. You can go through questionnaires that are designed to predict your spiritual gift (see an example: here). While those may have some value, I think there’s a better way.
Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘The pastor should do something about that’? I have. The more you read about the church in Scripture, the more you see that needs to be fixed. There are things that we’re not doing. There are ways that we’re not relating. There are purposes we’re not fulfilling. As a pastor, I feel burdened to evangelize those who are lost, disciple those who are new, counsel those who are struggling, comfort those who are weak, train up our leaders, oversee our office, lead the church in prayer and still devote the bulk of my energy to teaching and preaching God’s Word. The reality is that I often try to do all of those things, but the Bible says that there are a few things a pastor should focus on.
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to visit one of the earliest churches? If you stopped in on a service, I think you’d likely be disappointed. In fact, I doubt you’d ever go back. By our modern standards, everything would feel a little disorganized. It might not start on time and, if the apostle Paul was the preacher, there’s no telling when it might end. The worship music would probably strike you as a little amateur. Besides that, there would be no Sunday School, no youth group, no dedicated building, no bulletins, no PowerPoint, no sound system, and no sermon outline. You’d probably return from your visit, wondering how the early church grew at all. And yet, grow it did! The reason for the disconnect is that we often evaluate churches by their programs and externals, whereas the power of the early church wasn’t as easy to advertise. To experience the impact of the early church, you’d have to hang around longer than most people today are eager to. But if you did, you’d see that the heart of the church was in their community life and the quality of relationships they built together. One of the windows into early church life comes through the “one another” commands of the New Testament. By seeing what everyday believers were called to do to one another, we get a better picture of what we’re called to be as a church.