Have you ever heard people arguing about whether “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie or not? Both sides dig in with their positions and disagree passionately, even though they usually agree that it’s a great movie. The debate never seems productive. We wish they’d just stop. I think it’s tempting to see various religions that way. They all seem to agree on things like kindness, honesty, and self-control. Do the other things really matter?
A recent LifeWay Research survey reveals that almost half of all self-identified Christians believe that God accepts the worship of all religions. Are they right? And if not, why not?
I was 20 years old when I first raised the objection against Christianity: “If Jesus is the only way, what about all the people who have never heard?” I was pretty proud of my logic. And I think I half-believed that I was the first one to come up with the argument. “Had I single-handedly proven the inconsistency of a religion that spanned thousands of years and had duped hundreds of millions of followers?” It felt like it at the time, but I eventually came to think otherwise. I now believe I had a number of things wrong. Let me explain.