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A Christian’s Guide to Dieting and Fitness

A Christian’s Guide to Dieting and Fitness

We receive powerful messages every day about losing weight and getting fit. But what if the modern messages about health are at odds with the Bible? Consider these three ways the Bible calls Christians to think about dieting and fitness.

God and Your Next Bag of Chips

God and Your Next Bag of Chips

Do you ever wonder why God gave us cravings for potato chips, chocolate, and bacon? There’s no indication that the members of the Trinity were sitting around in eternity past sipping wine or grilling steaks. Our hunger for food and our need for it to sustain us is part of God’s design for humanity. As you consider what the Bible teaches, a picture emerges of God’s purpose in food and how we should relate to it.

What Does the Bible Teach About Food?

What Does the Bible Teach About Food?

The ancient church thought so much about food that they made gluttony one of the seven deadly sins. Today, many Christians have very little idea about what the Bible teaches about food at all. As a result, Christian attitudes toward food are mostly dictated by our appetite, the latest diets, or either guilt or ambition about the shape of our bodies. This post gives an overview of the Bible’s teachings toward a theology of food.