God’s Love for Those Who Don’t Love Christmas
Whether it’s the expectations, some bad memories, or just the Christmas cake, many people don’t love Christmas. And it’s easy to assume that it’s just not for you. This series looks at God’s love at work in the lives of people you wouldn’t expect. It shows us how He expresses that love to people who aren’t into the holiday traditions. It might just teach you something new about His love for you, too.

Job: When Tragedy Strikes
When tragedy strikes, it can feel like the ground has been ripped away, leaving us shaken and questioning what we once thought was secure. In this series, we’ll walk with Job to explore suffering and the painful process of trusting God in the midst of it. Together, we’ll see how God meets us in our brokenness and what it means to hold onto Him when everything else falls apart.

Encounters with Jesus
Most people have spent more time looking at statues and pictures of Jesus than they have reflecting on the first-hand accounts of those who met Him. As we see the many people who encountered Jesus, we see ourselves in them and begin to understand better what Jesus wants to do in our lives.

When God Gets Lost in the Shuffle
They had travelled hundreds of miles to the place they had always dreamed about. Now that they were here, it was harder than they thought. The problems seemed to keep multiplying, and there never seemed to be time for God. This series look at the messages God sent them and the implications for any of us who have been in their shoes.

The Christian Life Is a 3-Legged Stool
Many people take part of the Christian message and try to run with it. But the Christian life is like a three-legged stool and so if you only get one or two legs of it in place, it’s almost impossible to sit properly. This message looks at the three legs of the Christian life as illustrated in the Apostle Paul.

God with us at Christmas
At Christmas, we often reflect on the prophecy that a virgin would bear a son who would be called Immanuel, or God with us. But what does it mean for God to be with us? This series look at the many dimensions of Immanuel and what they teach us about what God wants to do in our lives this Christmas.

Through Jesus' Eyes
Have you ever tried to solve a problem, and someone came along and helped you to see it from a completely different angle? Jesus’ words had that kind of impact. And they’ve continued to reshape how people see their lives and their place in this world. Join us as we learn to see life through Jesus’ eyes.

What Kind of Resurrection?
When people talk about the resurrection, some just speak of it as metaphor for a new start or the hope that is born from the ashes. Jesus didn’t really rise from the grave, did He? Others accept that Jesus’ resurrection was real, but when they read about the resurrection of His followers, they picture spirits floating on clouds strumming harps. This message looks at what hope Easter really promises and the resurrection that is available to all who trust in Jesus.

We’re tempted to assume that our heroes are just born ready, but that’s seldom the case. There are lessons to learn and challenges to overcome before anyone can make a lasting difference. This series looks at Moses before he ever faced a showdown with Pharoah and the circumstances God used to shape him into the person he would become.

Unstoppable Church
The early church could be messy, chaotic, and even dangerous, but it was seldom boring. Revisiting scenes from the church’s beginnings helps us to see the power and the priorities that marked a movement that changed the world. This series examines the lessons that can be learned from the church’s unstoppable, early days.

God's Love Overcomes People's Rejection
Christmas in our culture today can feel like a celebration reserved for people with it all together. The turkey tastes sweet if there’s a perfect family and a full bank account, but otherwise not so much. Matthew shocked his first readers by including the names of five hurting women in the genealogy that opens his Christmas account and in so doing showed that Christmas tells the story of how His incredible love overcomes the pain and rejection that people often face.

Israel’s Greatest Philosopher
Sooner or later, everyone is confronted with life’s most fundamental questions. What gives life satisfaction? How can I find meaning? What’s the point of it all? This series explores the answers to those questions given in the Book of Ecclesiastes and finds surprising answers that change how we see our lives and our place in the world.

Jesus: Underestimated
People expect followers of Jesus to act like Jesus. In fact, the number one reason that people leave the church is a bad experience with someone’s sin or wrongdoing. Despite that, most Christians give very little thought about what should be done when Christians aren't Christlike. The answer is what’s called church discipline. This series look at what it is and how it’s practiced.

Why Church Discipline?
People expect followers of Jesus to act like Jesus. In fact, the number one reason that people leave the church is a bad experience with someone’s sin or wrongdoing. Despite that, most Christians give very little thought about what should be done when Christians aren't Christlike. The answer is what’s called church discipline. This series look at what it is and how it’s practiced.

How it All Began
It’s hard to understand the end of a story if you don’t really understand the beginning. And making sense of where a person’s life ends up is impossible without seeing where it began. This series look at the earliest days of Jesus’ public ministry and the trajectory that made Him the figure He became.

Easter Under Fire
Some years, Good Friday and Easter come with sunny skies and happy thoughts. But sometimes, the mood is far more bleak. This series looks at the events of Jesus’ death and resurrection at a point when the glass seemed half empty. The hope that stirred amidst the rain clouds then can stir our own thoughts to faith and joy today.

Navigating Our Differences with Unity
Christians in the early church faced difficult decisions they couldn’t agree on. They lived with the threat of government injustice. And they dealt with the everyday offences and misunderstandings that are a part of all relationships. Despite all of this, they were called to peace and unity. This series lays out the principles that God gave to help them achieve this and shows how relevant they are for us today.

Let in Some Christmas Hope
Many people have childhood memories of when they looked forward to Christmas with great hope and expectation. With a global pandemic that’s almost two years old now, many people are tired and struggling to feel that Christmas hope. What hope is there? Beyond the turkeys and presents, what is there worth hoping for? This series looks at the hope that we can have because of Christmas.

The Unstuck Life
I think that most of us face times in our lives when we become stuck, and we can’t quite figure out why. Our lives aren’t progressing the way we’d hoped. There’s a restlessness where we thought we’d experience peace. Even our connection to God, if we have one, can feel a little empty. The Unstuck Life is designed as both a diagnostic tool as well as a repair kit to help you see where you’re stuck and give solutions from the Bible to get unstuck.

The Life of Solomon: Cracks in the Foundation
He came to the throne, heir to Israel’s most famous king. Blessed with wisdom, riches, and peace, it seemed as if Solomon’s potential was limitless. Yet a series of choices set the stage for the judgment of God and the division of Solomon’s kingdom. This series looks at how pride, money, power, and sexual and spiritual compromise can rob us of the blessings that God holds out to us.

Hard Questions for the Christian Faith
There are some aspects of the Christian Faith that are so counter to popular thinking that we have to wonder whether the Bible can really be believed. Have we misunderstood its message? Is Christianity unreasonable? Are there solutions to the questions we struggle with? This series looks at some of the hard questions facing Christianity today and seeks an honest evaluation of how the Bible answers them.

How God Helps Us Change
It’s frightening to face the reality of your own heart and feel powerless to change it. Because we all see areas in our life that cause us regret and threaten to derail us. The good news of the Bible isn’t just a ticket to heaven – it's power from God to change. This series looks at Romans 6-8, the Bible’s most thorough treatment of God’s provision for our personal growth.

Christmas Promises
There’s so much you miss when you look at something from the same angle every time. When you only see Christmas through the lens of your own traditions and the New Testament accounts, you miss the promises that gave hope to Israel as they awaited the coming of a Saviour that first Christmas. Maybe there’s hope for you in Scripture’s Christmas Promises.

Is God Racist?
Racism is one of the biggest injustices facing our generation. Some hope that the Bible holds the answers, but others claim that it’s part of the problem. In fact, the Bible has been used by some to perpetuate racial discrimination, and segregation is alive and well in the North American church. Does that mean that God is racist? This series seeks to reread the Bible in light of these questions and see how the Bible’s teachings on race have been twisted, denied and ignored. You’ll see the colour of the Bible like never before and along the way be filled with hope that God offers profound solutions to the racial injustice our world is confronting.

How Jacob Became Israel
A nation came to proudly bear the name of their famous forefather, Israel. But he was born with the name Jacob, the cheater. The story of how Jacob became Israel is the story of how a patient and gracious God can transform the lives of those who seek Him. His life offers hope for all of us who long to escape our past and break free of the weaknesses that threaten to undo us.

How Jacob Became Israel
A nation came to proudly bear the name of their famous forefather, Israel. But he was born with the name Jacob, the cheater. The story of how Jacob became Israel is the story of how a patient and gracious God can transform the lives of those who seek Him. His life offers hope for all of us who long to escape our past and break free of the weaknesses that threaten to undo us.

Light for Your Darkness
So much in our world feels dark and intimidating. We can be discouraged by the news and wonder why God isn’t doing more to set things right. But the Bible says that we often confuse and resist the light that God seeks to bring in our darkness. This series looks at how Jesus can light up our darkness and how we can deal with the obstacles that keep us in the shadows.

Light for Your Darkness
So much in our world feels dark and intimidating. We can be discouraged by the news and wonder why God isn’t doing more to set things right. But the Bible says that we often confuse and resist the light that God seeks to bring in our darkness. This series looks at how Jesus can light up our darkness and how we can deal with the obstacles that keep us in the shadows.

We listen to songs for comfort, inspiration and encouragement. But most of the lyrics of today’s most popular songs are written by teenagers and record executives. The Book of Psalms contains the songs that God inspired to shape the hearts of His people. They cover a full range of emotions and circumstances and some of them get a little messy. But they point us to hope and help us to give expression to our own feelings when words fail us.

We listen to songs for comfort, inspiration and encouragement. But most of the lyrics of today’s most popular songs are written by teenagers and record executives. The Book of Psalms contains the songs that God inspired to shape the hearts of His people. They cover a full range of emotions and circumstances and some of them get a little messy. But they point us to hope and help us to give expression to our own feelings when words fail us.

Seeking the Face of God
There are too many issues that can’t be solved with more effort. We need more strength, more wisdom and more patience to cope with our lives. And, at the end of the day, we know that our circumstances are still beyond our control. So, we pray. But often we feel at a loss as to how to pray. How do we connect with God? How do we seek His face? How should we approach prayer? This series looks at a number of biblical prayers for guidance on how to pray. We’ll go through these as part of a month-long, church-wide time of seeking God’s face in prayer.

Seeking the Face of God
There are too many issues that can’t be solved with more effort. We need more strength, more wisdom and more patience to cope with our lives. And, at the end of the day, we know that our circumstances are still beyond our control. So, we pray. But often we feel at a loss as to how to pray. How do we connect with God? How do we seek His face? How should we approach prayer? This series looks at a number of biblical prayers for guidance on how to pray. We’ll go through these as part of a month-long, church-wide time of seeking God’s face in prayer.

Help When You Feel Helpless
Everyone faces circumstances in their lives that leave them feeling helpless. But where you seek help and how you look for it can make all the difference. This series looks at people who appear weak but experience incredible power and others who are supposed to be powerful but turn out to be helpless. The difference is their orientation toward the God who longs to rescue us.

Help When You Feel Helpless
Everyone faces circumstances in their lives that leave them feeling helpless. But where you seek help and how you look for it can make all the difference. This series looks at people who appear weak but experience incredible power and others who are supposed to be powerful but turn out to be helpless. The difference is their orientation toward the God who longs to rescue us.

Revive Us Again
Many people have had bad experiences with church and wonder why it doesn’t live up to its potential. But this isn’t the first time. In ancient Israel, it seemed as if all was lost but then God intervened in the most unlikely of situations to revive His people. For those who would seek Him, He’ll do it again.

Revive Us Again
Many people have had bad experiences with church and wonder why it doesn’t live up to its potential. But this isn’t the first time. In ancient Israel, it seemed as if all was lost but then God intervened in the most unlikely of situations to revive His people. For those who would seek Him, He’ll do it again.

Living Life in Light of the End
When you watch a movie, knowing whether it’s a tragedy or has a happy ending can make all the difference. Competitive basketball players always have an eye on the shot clock and know where they are in the quarter in order to gauge their next move. And productivity experts encourage people to develop their priorities by beginning with the end in mind. Even still, most people live in the moment without any thought to what’s coming next. 1 Thessalonians paints a picture of the end toward which our world is moving and shows how this can bring hope and clarity to the way we live our lives today.

Living Light in Life of the End
When you watch a movie, knowing whether it’s a tragedy or has a happy ending can make all the difference. Competitive basketball players always have an eye on the shot clock and know where they are in the quarter in order to gauge their next move. And productivity experts encourage people to develop their priorities by beginning with the end in mind. Even still, most people live in the moment without any thought to what’s coming next. 1 Thessalonians paints a picture of the end toward which our world is moving and shows how this can bring hope and clarity to the way we live our lives today.

The God Who’s Worthy of Our Best
People are capable of remarkable devotion. Some people are devoted to video games, others to fitness, others to careers, and others to their children. But the Scriptures reveal a God who’s worthy of our best. And when we put Him first, we’re able to see all of the other priorities in our lives in right perspective.

The God Who’s Worthy of Our Best
People are capable of remarkable devotion. Some people are devoted to video games, others to fitness, others to careers, and others to their children. But the Scriptures reveal a God who’s worthy of our best. And when we put Him first, we’re able to see all of the other priorities in our lives in right perspective.

Christmas Hope
For many today, Christmas can be a reminder of all that they don’t have. But that usually happens when we get lost in the trappings of Christmas and lose sight of its message. Join us this year as we take a closer look at the message of Christmas hope as it was first revealed to a group of Jewish exiles. They were people who were longing for comfort, strength and meaning. They were people like you and me.

Christmas Hope
For many today, Christmas can be a reminder of all that they don’t have. But that usually happens when we get lost in the trappings of Christmas and lose sight of its message. Join us this year as we take a closer look at the message of Christmas hope as it was first revealed to a group of Jewish exiles. They were people who were longing for comfort, strength and meaning. They were people like you and me.

Inextinguishable Joy
It’s easy to get discouraged with all that’s going on in our world. The headlines are hard to take. And often the headlines of our own circumstances don’t feel much better. The book of Philippians takes a look inside the mind of a person who faced more tragic headlines than one person should ever have to confront. But in the midst of that suffering, his faith gave him joy that is inexplicable apart from the power of God. The good news is that the joy he found is available for us. Join us as we study this book and seek to lay hold of “Inextinguishable Joy.”

Inextinguishable Joy
It’s easy to get discouraged with all that’s going on in our world. The headlines are hard to take. And often the headlines of our own circumstances don’t feel much better. The book of Philippians takes a look inside the mind of a person who faced more tragic headlines than one person should ever have to confront. But in the midst of that suffering, his faith gave him joy that is inexplicable apart from the power of God. The good news is that the joy he found is available for us. Join us as we study this book and seek to lay hold of “Inextinguishable Joy.”

Courage to Lead
Our world needs better leaders. People have become cynical of the leadership scandals that have marked political, religious and corporate worlds. Many people are afraid to lead as a result. People are afraid to take leadership. Fathers are afraid to lead their families. Parents are afraid to lead their children. And we feel their lack. Join us for this series as we go back to a period in Israel's history where there was a shortage of leaders and what God did to rectify it.

Courage to Lead
Our world needs better leaders. People have become cynical of the leadership scandals that have marked political, religious and corporate worlds. Many people are afraid to lead as a result. People are afraid to take leadership. Fathers are afraid to lead their families. Parents are afraid to lead their children. And we feel their lack. Join us for this series as we go back to a period in Israel's history where there was a shortage of leaders and what God did to rectify it.

Let God Transform your Career
The average person will spend almost a third of their life, and more than half of their waking hours at their job. Our jobs can be marked alternately by stress and accomplishment, by frustration as well as a sense of purpose. But few people have considered what the Bible teaches about our work and how God can fill our careers with meaning and significance. Join us for this walk through the Bible's teachings on God's design for our work.

Let God Transform your Career
The average person will spend almost a third of their life, and more than half of their waking hours at their job. Our jobs can be marked alternately by stress and accomplishment, by frustration as well as a sense of purpose. But few people have considered what the Bible teaches about our work and how God can fill our careers with meaning and significance. Join us for this walk through the Bible's teachings on God's design for our work.

The Saviour Who fills Our Emptiness
Too often we live our lives, running on empty. We see the signals that we've run out of fuel, but we keep going through the motions without the strength to find the satisfaction we crave. Jesus invites us to a better way. He calls Himself the "bread of life" because He's the Saviour who fills our emptiness. Join us as we meet Jesus as He's revealed in John's Gospel.

The Saviour Who fills Our Emptiness
Too often we live our lives, running on empty. We see the signals that we've run out of fuel, but we keep going through the motions without the strength to find the satisfaction we crave. Jesus invites us to a better way. He calls Himself the "bread of life" because He's the Saviour who fills our emptiness. Join us as we meet Jesus as He's revealed in John's Gospel.

How God Sets People Free
Many people have had bad experiences with religious groups. Sick religion can be controlling and manipulative. It makes people worse not better. But God's desire is for us to experience peace in His presence and the freedom to become all that He's created us to be. This series explores how God sets people free and how the church can avoid the sickness that robs that freedom.

How God Sets People Free
Many people have had bad experiences with religious groups. Sick religion can be controlling and manipulative. It makes people worse not better. But God's desire is for us to experience peace in His presence and the freedom to become all that He's created us to be. This series explores how God sets people free and how the church can avoid the sickness that robs that freedom.

Lessons from a love story
It’s only a matter of time of time before the Book of Ruth comes to the big screen again. It’s a moving story of tragedy, death, endurance and love. But as gripping as the drama is, the lessons it contains are even more powerful. This series looks at the faithfulness of God as He intervenes in the lives of two widows to bring love, hope and joy.

Lessons from a love story
It’s only a matter of time of time before the Book of Ruth comes to the big screen again. It’s a moving story of tragedy, death, endurance and love. But as gripping as the drama is, the lessons it contains are even more powerful. This series looks at the faithfulness of God as He intervenes in the lives of two widows to bring love, hope and joy.
Preparing for Christmas
As Christmas approaches, there is food to prepare, presents to buy, and decorations to hang. Different people prepare in different ways. But only God can do the important work of preparing our hearts for this important celebration. Through this series, we examine the Christmas preparations of various characters in Luke 1-2 and in so doing see how God is at work to prepare us to welcome this Christmas with unspeakable joy.
Preparing for Christmas
As Christmas approaches, there is food to prepare, presents to buy, and decorations to hang. Different people prepare in different ways. But only God can do the important work of preparing our hearts for this important celebration. Through this series, we examine the Christmas preparations of various characters in Luke 1-2 and in so doing see how God is at work to prepare us to welcome this Christmas with unspeakable joy.

Rediscovering the reformation
This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and today few people are fully aware of its significance. A continent was transformed by the discovery of life-giving truths that were contained in the Scriptures but had long been suppressed and denied. And the church has never been the same. This series isn’t a history lesson but rather a rediscovery of the powerful truths that have changed the lives of millions.
Rediscovering the reformation
This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and today few people are fully aware of its significance. A continent was transformed by the discovery of life-giving truths that were contained in the Scriptures but had long been suppressed and denied. And the church has never been the same. This series isn’t a history lesson but rather a rediscovery of the powerful truths that have changed the lives of millions.
Ancient Wisdom
Bookstores are filled with self-help books. Everyone has advice. But a lot of people’s ideas just don’t work. Many people’s opinions simply aren’t true. The Bible contains a 3000-year-old collection of wisdom that has stood the test of time. The Book of Proverbs is a treasure trove of insight into effective living. This series takes the ancient wisdom of Proverbs and applies it to some of today’s most pressing problems.
Ancient Wisdom
Bookstores are filled with self-help books. Everyone has advice. But a lot of people’s ideas just don’t work. Many people’s opinions simply aren’t true. The Bible contains a 3000-year-old collection of wisdom that has stood the test of time. The Book of Proverbs is a treasure trove of insight into effective living. This series takes the ancient wisdom of Proverbs and applies it to some of today’s most pressing problems.

We pour into careers and relationships and social media, but what is there in our lives that will last? How do we make an impact? How do we leave a legacy? Paul's second letter to Timothy is the final record we have from one of history's most influential people. In it, Paul gives advice to his most trusted disciple and gives all of us help and wisdom in living a life that matters. Join us in this look at the first two chapters of 2 Timothy and see what God might do in your life.

We pour into careers and relationships and social media, but what is there in our lives that will last? How do we make an impact? How do we leave a legacy? Paul's second letter to Timothy is the final record we have from one of history's most influential people. In it, Paul gives advice to his most trusted disciple and gives all of us help and wisdom in living a life that matters. Join us in this look at the first two chapters of 2 Timothy and see what God might do in your life.

We live in a world where people long for intimacy but cover themselves with masks to hide their true selves. Without honesty and transparency there can be no intimacy but shame and fear of rejection get in the way. In our hearts we long for what Adam and Eve knew in the garden before God and one another when they were "naked and were not ashamed." But sin changed all that. When Adam and Eve sinned, they instinctively sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves and ever since then we've been hiding. Interestingly God didn't tell Adam and Eve that they didn't need the fig leaves. Instead He killed an animal for each of them to provide a 'proper' covering for them. This seems barbaric and anti-environmental to our ears but it was through this event that God taught Adam and Eve about the concept of sacrifice and how to cover their shame in a way that would restore the intimacy and acceptance they had lost when they sinned. This series examines what the Levitical sacrifices teach us about God's plan for sacrifice and how it relates to some of our deepest emotional needs.

We live in a world where people long for intimacy but cover themselves with masks to hide their true selves. Without honesty and transparency there can be no intimacy but shame and fear of rejection get in the way. In our hearts we long for what Adam and Eve knew in the garden before God and one another when they were "naked and were not ashamed." But sin changed all that. When Adam and Eve sinned, they instinctively sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves and ever since then we've been hiding. Interestingly God didn't tell Adam and Eve that they didn't need the fig leaves. Instead He killed an animal for each of them to provide a 'proper' covering for them. This seems barbaric and anti-environmental to our ears but it was through this event that God taught Adam and Eve about the concept of sacrifice and how to cover their shame in a way that would restore the intimacy and acceptance they had lost when they sinned. This series examines what the Levitical sacrifices teach us about God's plan for sacrifice and how it relates to some of our deepest emotional needs.

Hope again
Most children begin their lives in hope and possibility. But somewhere along the line, many people lose hope. Some issues seem too big to overcome. Other problems seem too big to come back from. And so we end up settling and shelving hope as a childhood dream. This series from the fourth and fifth chapters of John's Gospel looks at people who encountered Jesus and His life-changing invitation to hope.

Hope again
Most children begin their lives in hope and possibility. But somewhere along the line, many people lose hope. Some issues seem too big to overcome. Other problems seem too big to come back from. And so we end up settling and shelving hope as a childhood dream. This series from the fourth and fifth chapters of John's Gospel looks at people who encountered Jesus and His life-changing invitation to hope.

How the Story Ends
We can read sad and even intense stories if we know there's a happy ending. We can enjoy a panic-filled roller coaster ride if we know that in a few minutes it will pull safely back into the platform from where it launched. And in the same way, we can cope with life and all of its challenges if we know how it ends. While some religions describe history as an endless cycle, the Bible is clear that the world is heading to a glorious conclusion that will bring justice and resolution and renewal. Follow with us as we explore the closing chapters of the book of Revelation and see how the story ends.
How the story ends
We can read sad and even intense stories if we know there's a happy ending. We can enjoy a panic-filled roller coaster ride if we know that in a few minutes it will pull safely back into the platform from where it launched. And in the same way, we can cope with life and all of its challenges if we know how it ends. While some religions describe history as an endless cycle, the Bible is clear that the world is heading to a glorious conclusion that will bring justice and resolution and renewal. Follow with us as we explore the closing chapters of the book of Revelation and see how the story ends.

The Beauty in God's Design
We're living in the midst of a cultural revolution where gender and sexuality are being redefined and traditional norms are being dismissed as arbitrary and oppressive. Discrimination has been addressed and unhealthy attitudes are changing, but far-reaching questions of gender roles and identity are being answered primarily on the basis of feeling and experience. Without listening to the Designer, we're liable to chart a course that ends in pain and frustration, both personally and culturally. This series will examine what God's Word has to say about the contemporary questions regarding gender and sexuality.

Running from God
Not only do we have a tendency to bite the hand that feeds us, but we're also famous for running from the One who can help us. The Bible teaches that running from God is an issue for religious and irreligious people alike. And when we're on the run, there's a voice inside us that tries to convince us that God would never accept us and we could never make the trip anyway. The book of Jonah examines the different ways that we run from God and reveals the heart of the God who pursues us. Join us as we deal with our own flight from God and see how we can turn and experience His mercy in our lives.

Vintage Christmas
Sometimes traditions can get tiring. We do things year after year but over time we forget why. And even when we try to think about the reason we do things, sometimes we can only say with Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof, “Tradition!” Occasionally though, when we dig far enough into tradition we find undiscovered treasures. In this series we’ll get to the truth beneath the tradition of Christmas. We’ll see how the book of Isaiah points to the birth of Messiah and then turn to the New Testament and see how the Gospels show how Jesus fulfills Isaiah’s hope. In the process we’ll learn more about God and how we can lay hold of all that He can do in our lives. Join us and have a very “Vintage Christmas!”

Series: Identity
We often try to change our behaviour. We make resolutions and vow to do things differently with little effect. Other times we focus on our thoughts. From positive thinking to self-help books, we look for ways to improve through our mind. Jesus brings change at a more fundamental level. He famously gave his fickle disciple Simon a new name - Peter, a.k.a. the Rock. But with that new name, came deep changes in Peter's identity that became more and more evident over time. The first chapter of Ephesians points to the new identity that Jesus offers His followers. In this series we'll examine that new identity and how we can lay hold of its power in our lives.

God's help for the modern family
Families face tough challenges. And nothing stings more than family pain. But so much advice is predicated on perfection. Many people need encouragement for real families with real problems. The opening chapters of the Old Testament book of First Samuel give just that. There are stories of heart-wrenching conflict, bitterness and pain. But in the midst of that, people find help from God to carry on and hope for a brighter day. Join us as we seek to apply the almost 3000-year-old wisdom of these chapters to the challenges of the modern family.

God bent down to lift us up
Critics make their jabs at the church and skeptics question the Bible, but the popularity of Jesus doesn’t go away. Jesus seems to be admired and respected by people of all faiths. And yet today, many people have a vague and uncertain picture of who Jesus really is. What did He actually teach? What was the real impact of His life? The opening chapters of John’s Gospel answer these questions. “God bent down to lift us up,” is a series that looks at this section of Scripture and helps us to see Jesus as He really is. As we do, I pray that we’ll experience the hope that transformed His first followers.

Dream Again - Lessons from the Book of Acts
Children seem to be born with dreams. Big dreams. But somewhere along the line, most people grow up and hit a wall called disillusionment and settle. They stop dreaming and life is never the same. Some people have had the same experience with church. The concept sounded wonderful but at some point the reality led to disappointment. The book of Acts portrays the history of the early church and sets us free to dream again. As we set aside our assumptions, I pray that we’ll be able to dream together about the fullness of the life that Jesus calls us to and the vision for the church that He died to establish. Imagine a new possible.