Critics make their jabs at the church and skeptics question the Bible, but the popularity of Jesus doesn’t go away. Jesus seems to be admired and respected by people of all faiths. And yet today, many people have a vague and uncertain picture of who Jesus really is. What did He actually teach? What was the real impact of His life? The opening chapters of John’s Gospel answer these questions. “God bent down to lift us up,” is a series that looks at this section of Scripture and helps us to see Jesus as He really is. As we do, I pray that we’ll experience the hope that transformed His first followers.

Light for your darkness

April 3, 2016 // John 1:1-18 [outline]

Jesus is the Lamb of God Who Takes Away Your Sin

April 10, 2016 // John 1:19-34 [outline]

Jesus Can Re-Write the Next Chapter In Your Story

April 17, 2016 // John 1:35-51 [outline]

Water into Wine: How Jesus Restores our Joy

April 24, 2016 // John 2:1-11 [outline]

How the Anger of God Sets Us Free

May 1, 2016 // John 2:12-25 [outline]

Jesus Offers You a Fresh Start

May 8, 2016 // John 3:1-8 [outline]

Jesus Brings Relief in Tragedy

May 15, 2016 // John 3:9-15 [outline]

JESUS invites us out of darkness into light

May 22, 2016 // John 3:16-21 [outline]

finding joy when your career is in a downward spiral

May 29, 2016 // John 3:22-36 [outline]