Buying the Security God Freely Offers

Buying the Security God Freely Offers

People who are skilled in organization and administration are critical to the blessing and effectiveness of the church. But they’re often misunderstood and face unique temptations. This message looks at what we can learn by understanding Solomon’s skills as a leader and the blessings and inclinations that accompanied them.

1 Kings 4:20-34 // [outline]

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The Audacity to Choose Wisdom

The Audacity to Choose Wisdom

We all have times in our lives when we feel like we don’t measure up. In the life of Solomon, he realized as a young king that the shoes of his father David were just too big to fill on his own. This message looks at what we need to do in these moments, the importance of humility before God, and what true wisdom looks like when it is applied.

1 Kings 3:1-28 // [outline]

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Words We Give Our Children

Words We Give Our Children

The words we leave our children have a profound influence on what they believe and how they will live. And yet we often spend too little time reflecting on those words or choosing them wisely. This message looks at David’s final words to his son Solomon and what we can learn from them to better impact those who will come after us.

1 Kings 2:1-12 // [outline]

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Own Your Legacy

Own Your Legacy

We learn to procrastinate early, but as we grow older, we can put off the inevitable and fail to deal with important decisions in life. This message looks at how King David’s incredible legacy was almost destroyed by his failure to think ahead and take steps to prepare for the future.

1 Kings 1:1-53 // [outline]

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Heart Accounting

Heart Accounting

Faith is unseen, and we can’t know all that is in a person’s heart. But our lives reveal more about what’s inside than we often admit. This message looks at how people responded to the life Jesus came to offer and what it shows us about how we see Jesus’ promise of life.

John 12:1-11 // [outline]

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Things We Love More Than the Truth

Things We Love More Than the Truth

We all consider ourselves rational, open-minded people. The reality is, however, that we’re often not interested in listening to certain truths and can go to great lengths to avoid them. As Nietzsche said, “People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” This message looks at some of the obstacles to confronting the truth and how to overcome them.

John 11:45-57 // [outline]

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Something Greater Than Easy

Something Greater Than Easy

We all want easy lives full of easy circumstances. But Jesus sometimes denies us ‘easy’ in order to give us something greater. This message looks at how Jesus works in the midst of the painful tragedies of our lives to bless us.

John 11:17-44 // [outline]

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Where's God When I'm Waiting?

Where's God When I'm Waiting?

We often find ourselves waiting for God’s help and wondering why. God could solve our problems instantly, but often He doesn’t. This message looks at what God is doing when we have to wait.

John 11:1-16 // [outline]

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Qualified to Promise Eternity

Qualified to Promise Eternity

Insecurity makes us hide. It often doesn’t feel safe to just be ourselves and so we work to present a more invincible version of ourselves. That work can be exhausting, and the inner self-doubt remains. Jesus offers a different way of addressing our insecurity – the promise of eternal security in Him. This message looks at how to embrace that security and let it change us.

John 10:22-42 // [outline]

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Shepherd of Your Soul

Shepherd of Your Soul

The Bible warns us of the extent that we’re susceptible to the people and influences around us. This message looks at how to evaluate those influences and determine which ones we can trust.

John 10:1-21 // [outline]

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Breakfast with Jesus

Breakfast with Jesus

Entering our second Easter in a global pandemic has left many of us feeling worn out, empty, and anxious about what comes next. This message looks at how Jesus’ resurrection gave hope to the first disciples and can do the same for us.

John 21:1-19 // [outline]

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Mob Rule

Mob Rule

Many people wonder about Jesus’ death. ‘Where there’s smoke, there’s fire,’ people say. ‘Maybe Jesus wasn’t as innocent as Christians like to suggest. Understanding why Jesus was crucified is crucial to understanding the message of Good Friday. It teaches us something about ourselves. And it teaches us something about Jesus. Join us for a reflection on His death and what it means for us today.

Mark 15:6-15

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How Can a Good God Send People to Hell?

How Can a Good God Send People to Hell?

The idea of hell is troubling to many people today. It seems primitive and barbaric. Have we rightly understood the Bible’s teachings on this controversial doctrine? Is there a way to reconcile God’s love and goodness with a place of eternal torment? This message confronts these difficult questions through an examination of Jesus’ teachings.

Mark 9:42-48 // [outline]

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How Can There Only Be One Way?

How Can There Only Be One Way?

To many today, it can feel proud and even intolerant to claim that there’s only one way to God. Are those charges true? How should we respond? This message looks at an event in the early church that dealt with this issue and seeks to address it honestly.

Acts 4:5-12 // [outline]

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Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?

Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?

For many people, Christian attitudes toward sexuality seem discriminatory, outdated, and prudish. ‘God has no place in the bedroom!’ they say, and there’s a genuine struggle to understand why God would want to put restrictions on love. This message takes those concerns seriously and looks for answers in the Bible and the experience of people today.

1 Thessalonians 4:3 // [outline]

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Nothing Separates Us From God's Love

Nothing Separates Us From God's Love

Life can overwhelm us, and we find ourselves asking, What good is God if I’m going through all of these trials? This message looks at the help and assurance God provides when times are tough.

Romans 8:31-39 // [outline]

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God Finishes What He Starts

God Finishes What He Starts

Growth as a Christian isn’t a random self-help project. God is at work in every circumstance of our lives to make us more like Jesus and ensure that the work He has begun in our lives will be completed.

Romans 8:28-30 // [outline]

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Hope Crushes Despair

Hope Crushes Despair

Life is often hard and each of us eventually feels its pain in different ways. What we hope in dramatically impacts how we face that pain, however. This message looks at the incredible hope the Bible holds out for us to lay hold of in suffering and the help that the Spirit gives us as we do.

Romans 8:18-27 // [outline]

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God's Power to Help You Change

God's Power to Help You Change

We often come to God with shame and frustration over our attempts at true righteousness. And it’s possible to bring our old mindset into our new relationship with Him. But the Holy Spirit does for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves. This message looks at what the Holy Spirit provides for us and what He calls us to.

Romans 8:1-17 // [outline}

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I Want to Do Right, So Why Don't I?

I Want to Do Right, So Why Don't I?

Self-help books line the bestseller lists, promising personal growth to all who follow their seven easy steps. But the testimony of the Bible is that even the greatest list of rules was unsuccessful in changing people. What’s wrong with the lists? Why don’t we do what we want to do? And how can we really change? This message looks at what went wrong under Old Covenant, so we don’t make the same mistakes under the New Covenant.

Romans 7:7-25 // [outline]

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