Double Jeopardy Living

Double Jeopardy Living

People see the commands of God and feel their condemnation. Shame leads to defeat which leads to sin and more shame. The gospel breaks this cycle. We now live under the principle of double jeopardy. This message looks at how our death to sin’s penalty enables us to walk free of its condemnation and serve God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 7:1-6 // [outline]

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Under New Management

Under New Management

Never before have we pursued freedom as a society like we do today. We hold it up as our highest good, but we seldom define it, and when we do, there’s usually not an accompanying discussion of consequences. This message looks at a biblical definition of freedom and how we can grow in it.

Romans 6:15-23 // [outline]

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Temptation Had Its Tires Slashed

Temptation Had Its Tires Slashed

People assume that Christianity is either a straitjacket of morality or a licence to sin. When they discover that it is neither, they can be confused as to what the believer’s motivation is in avoiding temptation. This message looks at how reckoning with our union with Christ declaws temptation’s hold on us.

Romans 6:1-14 // [outline]

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A Safe Place 'Til the Storm Passes

A Safe Place 'Til the Storm Passes

Sometimes, especially recently, we all feel like we are in a dark tunnel, just waiting for the light to come at the end. In Psalm 57 we find David literally stuck in a cave and afraid for his life, but still praising God. This message looks at the prayer that God gives him, and how we too can find our refuge in God and realize that He is our light, even while still in the dark times.

Psalm 57 // [outline]

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This is How We Finish the Race

This is How We Finish the Race

Stress, isolation and uncertainty have led many Christians to pull back from Christian fellowship during the pandemic. In the first century, Jewish Christians faced the temptation because of persecution. This message looks at the reasons they were given to persevere and how they can help us finish the race in our day.

Hebrews 10:19-25 // [outline]

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Anxiety Relieved

Anxiety Relieved

With so much uncertainty in our lives, we long for rest from our cares and anxieties. This message looks at some of the things we worry about too much, some we worry about too little and the Saviour who promises us peace.

Matthew 6:25-34 // [outline]

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Christmas Eve: The Promise of a Saviour Righteous Enough for All of Us

Christmas Eve: The Promise of a Saviour Righteous Enough for All of Us

Different people look to different things to reassure them and give them hope. Some look to a spouse or a parent or grandparent for confidence and strength. Others find hope in their goals and dreams. But what do you do when your symbol of hope dies? This short Christmas Eve message looks at a period in Israel’s history when that happened and helps us find our way forward when we don’t feel like we can go on.

Jeremiah 33:14-16

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The Promise of Ancient Peace

The Promise of Ancient Peace

As we prepare for our first Christmas in lockdown, most of us have put our hope in a vaccine or a better year or at least the end of the rising case counts and restrictions we’re facing now. Jerusalem faced a lockdown in its history as the Assyrian army besieged the city. God gave them a Christmas promise that pointed to a greater hope than the end of their isolation. This promise can give us hope, too.

Micah 5:1-5 // [outline]

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The Promise of a Humble Saviour

The Promise of a Humble Saviour

Christmas can be a hard time for many people. It’s hard to be alone when we’re told we’re supposed to be together. It’s hard to face the holidays when there are loved ones we’re still grieving. Expectations, stress and conflict can all hit us at this time of year. But joy can be a reality when we hold the Christmas promises. This message looks at a dark period in Israel’s past where they were given promises of the arrival of Jesus, intended to stir their joy. Those same promises can stir up ours today.

Zechariah 9:9-10 // [outline]

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The Promise of Good News

The Promise of Good News

When we think of Christmas, we think of the baby and the wise men and the gifts, but Christmas was the promise of good news. This message looks at the good news as it was promised through the prophet Isaiah hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth.

Isaiah 61:1-4 // [outline]

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The Promise of a Royal Priest

The Promise of a Royal Priest

The songs and movies we hear this time of year tend to equate Christmas with the promise of romance, family, or tradition. The Christmas promises of the Bible are far more enduring. This message looks at the promise of a royal priest and how Jesus can give us hope for the year ahead.

Psalm 110:4 // [outline]

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The Bible's Hope for a Divided World

The Bible's Hope for a Divided World

In a world full of violence, injustice, sickness, and death, it can be easy to fall into feelings of hopelessness. Recognizing this, the Apostle John in Revelation 7 described a vision of hope that comforted the persecuted early church and should still comfort us today.

Revelation 7:9-17 // [outline]

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How the Gospel Attacks Discrimination

How the Gospel Attacks Discrimination

As people in the early church came to faith, they brought attitudes of discrimination and superiority that only the gospel could dismantle. This message looks at the core of the teaching that undid their prejudice and can deal with ours.

Colossians 3:5-11 // [outline]

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How the Gospel Attacks Discrimination

How the Gospel Attacks Discrimination

As people in the early church came to faith, they brought attitudes of discrimination and superiority that only the gospel could dismantle. This message looks at the core of the teaching that undid their prejudice and can deal with ours.

Colossians 3:5-11 // [outline]

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Africa's First Christian

Africa's First Christian

There’s so much in this world that can discourage us. We long to make a difference but struggle to understand how. This message looks at Philip’s encounter with an Ethiopian eunuch and shows us how God can use you as a force for good in our world today.

Acts 8:26-40 // [outline]

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Loving THEM?

Loving THEM?

The Good Samaritan is one of Jesus’ most famous stories. Despite our familiarity with it, most people hear the moral but miss the point. While confronting our indifference, prejudice and tendency to justify ourselves, Jesus helps us to see what’s needed for us to inherit eternal life.

Luke 10:25-37 // [outline]

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The African Who Rescued the Jewish Prophet

The African Who Rescued the Jewish Prophet

We imagine ourselves to be rational people who take precautions in responding to warnings, but the Bible makes it clear that there are many things that keep us from the truth. This message looks at the last days before the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem and the reasons people ignored the warnings and the courage one man showed in responding to them.

Jeremiah 38:7-13; 39:15-18 // [outline]

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God’s Voice Amidst the Calls for Reform

God’s Voice Amidst the Calls for Reform

The injustice in our world stirs us to act. And there is much in the church that we long to see changed. God’s message to Israel in the midst of their history’s greatest reform movement changes how we see reform, however. The prophet, Zephaniah, helps us to see the limits of human reform and the solutions that God provides.

Zephaniah 3:9-20 // [outline]

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The Jewish Hope for All People

The Jewish Hope for All People

We can read the Old Testament as if it’s only about Jewish people and their concerns, but at the heart of the Old Testament Scriptures is a message of hope for all nations. It wasn’t always fully embraced by God’s people then and neither is it today. We need the message of this psalm now more than ever.

Psalm 87 // [outline]

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The Jewish Priest Who Made His African Mother Proud

The Jewish Priest Who Made His African Mother Proud

We see the injustice in our world today and wonder what it will take for God to show His mercy. Today’s passage looks at a man named Phinehas who was as jealous for God’s honour as God is. He secured mercy for God’s people and was promised a priestly dynasty as a result. It is significant that this hero of the early priesthood was the son of a Jewish father and African mother and distinguished by his African features.

Numbers 25:1-18 // [outline]

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