In laying out the requirements of church deacons, Paul makes it clear that the character of the one serving matters far more than their skills, connections, or accomplishments. This message looks at the people who serve to build the church and the blessing they experience for doing so.
1 Timothy 3:8-13
Judah vowed to do better with Benjamin than he did with Joseph. But when it comes right down to it, will he follow through? We make a lot of resolutions and impressive-sounding commitments, but how do we make good on them when we’re tempted to pass?
Genesis 44:1-17
The goal, motivation, and power of Christian ministry are radically transformed by Jesus. This message considers how.
Colossians 1:24-2:5 // [outline]
Casual Friday has become Casual Every Day, and we can often bring the same casual attitude toward how we approach and think about God. This passage looks at how to think about God’s holiness and approach Him with the reverence He deserves.
1 Kings 8:1-21 // [outline]
Relationships are a foundational part of life. Whether it is our spouse, parents, siblings, friends, or co-workers, we all depend on relationships. Sadly, despite their importance, relationships can be so hard to forge, develop, and maintain. In this sermon, we move past the world’s advice, dig into Scripture, and learn what God says about how we should approach our various relationships.
Ephesians 5:1-2 // [outline]
Faith is unseen, and we can’t know all that is in a person’s heart. But our lives reveal more about what’s inside than we often admit. This message looks at how people responded to the life Jesus came to offer and what it shows us about how we see Jesus’ promise of life.
John 12:1-11 // [outline]