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Bad Counsel: God Is All About Justice

Bad Counsel: God Is All About Justice


When tragedies hit, sometimes religious people offer simplistic remedies that only add to our pain. This message looks at how we can avoid the dangerous counsel we’re tempted to cling to when difficulties come.

Job 8:1-10


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Compassion Guided by Discernment

Compassion Guided by Discernment


The church relates to one another as family and bears the burdens of those who are most vulnerable. But compassion needs to be informed by discernment. This message looks at when helping hurts and how to know when to help and how.

1 Timothy 5:1-16


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When Religion Threatens Compassion

When Religion Threatens Compassion


Many people who have walked away from religion have done so because they felt that the rules stifled grace and the people were marked by hypocrisy. This message looks at how Jesus sets people free when religion threatens compassion.

Luke 6:1-11


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Why Did They Turn on Jesus?

Why Did They Turn on Jesus?

In His famous hometown sermon, the good news is rejected, and Jesus is almost killed because of the crowd’s preconceptions. This message looks at the good news about Jesus and the obstacles that keep us from receiving it.

Luke 4:14-30 // [outline]

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Loving THEM?

Loving THEM?

The Good Samaritan is one of Jesus’ most famous stories. Despite our familiarity with it, most people hear the moral but miss the point. While confronting our indifference, prejudice and tendency to justify ourselves, Jesus helps us to see what’s needed for us to inherit eternal life.

Luke 10:25-37 // [outline]

Available on YouTube
Resisting the Power Grab

Resisting the Power Grab

We live in a world of power politics, power couples and power grabs. And it’s distorted the way we see power. This message rethinks our relationship to power from the Bible and shows that we can be content to lend power instead of grabbing it when we know how to wait on it.

Genesis 14:11-24 // [outline]

Available on YouTube
Longing to be Filled

Longing to be Filled

The miracle of Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 is famous. But few people understand what Jesus was trying to show the world through this amazing event. This message looks at Jesus’ compassion and the way He satisfies the hunger of the human heart.

John 6:1-15 // [outline]

Available on YouTube