Worship with Us!
1st worship service
Grace Tots (0-3 years old),
*Junior Grace Kids (preschool to grade 1)
*during sermon time
coffee and conversation
2nd worship service
Grace Tots (0-3 years old), Grace Kids (preschool to grade 6) and Grace Youth (grade 7 - 12)
270 Weldrick Road West,
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3V3
Located at the corner of Bathurst St. & Weldrick Rd. West
3km north of the 407ETR
1.2km south of Major Mackenzie Drive
phone: 905-737-4737
email: info@gracebc.ca
Grace Baptist Church strives to be a community where all people feel safe and are enabled to worship God and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
We care more about the heart than our appearance in worship and so you’ll see some people in jeans, other people in suits and dresses, and the majority of people somewhere in between in what might be called business casual. Dress however you feel most comfortable.
As you pull into our parking lot, you’ll see our main church building. The doorway adjacent to our parking lot is a courtesy entrance for seniors, parents carrying infants, and anyone with physical challenges. Everyone else is encouraged to continue down the path to the right of the church building to our main entrance. If you’re welcomed by one of our greeters, let them know that you’re new and feel free to ask any questions you may have. They’re there to put you at ease and make your visit as comfortable as possible. You can hang your coat on the rack and head to our auditorium where you’ll be met by an usher and receive a sermon handout. Feel free to sit wherever you like, although there is a “masked only” section at the back if you prefer to sit with other masked people. If you have an infant (up to 3 years old) you can check in at the nursery down the stairs at the back of the auditorium.
If you arrive for the 9 am service, older children sit with you in the auditorium. Children 3 years up to and including Grade 1 can be taken down the stairs at the back of the auditorium before the sermon starts for our Jr. Grace Kids.
If you come for the 11 am service, you can accompany your child to the learning centre (children downstairs; youth in the garage) and pick them up after the worship service is over.
Our service begins with a time of worship led by our band. Even if you don’t normally go to church we hope that you’ll hear songs that you can relate to. And if you’re a veteran churchgoer you’ll hear something familiar too. More than anything we try to sing worship songs that express our heart to God. There will be a time for announcements and the offering. Don’t worry, you won’t be singled out as a visitor or asked to stand or say anything. The message time is an opportunity to hear the Bible applied to real life in practical ways, but the focus is always on Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel.
The service is roughly 75 minutes long and afterwards the pastor and his wife are available to pray with you or discuss anything that’s on your mind. Feel free to go up and introduce yourself or share what’s on your heart.
In between services, there’s a connection time from 10:15 – 10:50 am where you can get to know some of the people who call Grace Baptist Church their home. Drop in for coffee, tea, juice and cookies, in the connection room off the main hallway. During this time, youth meet in the garage for snacks and activities ranging from foosball to ping pong to crafts and puzzles.