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Beginner's Guide

Beginner's Guide to Difficult Conversations

Beginner's Guide to Difficult Conversations

We often avoid difficult conversations because, frankly, they’re difficult. These articles provide a roadmap for making those hard conversations a little easier and hopefully more effective also.

Beginner's Guide to Interpreting the Bible

Beginner's Guide to Interpreting the Bible

Reading the Bible requires patience. It’s the only book that was designed to be read and reread over the course of a person’s life. But there are principles that help orient us to reading the Bible as it was meant to be understood. These articles introduce some of those principles and give you a head start in interpreting God’s Word.

Beginner's Guide to Discovering Your Identity

Beginner's Guide to Discovering Your Identity

Many people struggle with issues of identity. Am I just who people tell me I am? Am I who I tell myself I am? Does my work define me? Do my feelings define me? These articles explore the Bible’s profound answers to our questions of identity.

Beginner's Guide to Faith at Work

Beginner's Guide to Faith at Work

Nobody wants to be a Sunday Christian, but understanding how to connect your faith with the job that takes up the majority of your week can be tough. These articles introduce the Bible’s teachings on work and how God intends for us to understand and approach our jobs in a way that glorifies Him.

Beginner's Guide to Christian Parenting

Beginner's Guide to Christian Parenting

Parenting is a life-long assignment, and the task is as broad as it is hard. But there are certain fundamentals that the Bible stresses and ignoring them can only invite heartache. These articles introduce the basics of what the Bible teaches about parenting and how to implement them in your family.

Beginner's Guide to Sharing Your Faith

Beginner's Guide to Sharing Your Faith

Anyone who has been impacted by the life-changing message of salvation in Jesus has felt the desire to tell others. The message seems too important to keep to ourselves. But wanting to tell others and knowing how to do so are two different things. These articles provide a simple plan for anyone to both create opportunities for witness and know what to say when the opportunities come.

Beginner's Guide to Christian Giving

Beginner's Guide to Christian Giving

Celebrity pastors with private jets and Gucci watches have made many people cynical about church finances. And yet Jesus seemed to talk often about the importance of giving. These articles seek to clarify what the Bible teaches and where generosity fits in a Christian’s discipleship.

Beginner's Guide to Christian Serving

Beginner's Guide to Christian Serving

God has created to serve and make a difference in our world, but people often struggle with trying to find their fit. These articles explore the nature of God’s design for your life and how you can understand your role in what He’s seeking to do.

Beginner's Guide to Fellowship

Beginner's Guide to Fellowship

When you start attending church, you hear church leaders throwing around the term “fellowship” in ways that sound confusing. Is fellowship just what happens when Christians drink coffee and eat snacks? Is it Christian slang for hanging out? These articles explore what Christian fellowship is and why it’s such an essential part of what God wants to do in your life.

Beginner's Guide to Church Membership

Beginner's Guide to Church Membership

Church membership feels like a contradiction. The church is a family, isn’t it? These articles explore the essential biblical foundation for church membership and the profound role that it plays in a Christian’s growth.

Beginner's Guide to the Holy Spirit

Beginner's Guide to the Holy Spirit

People can relate to God the Father and Jesus we understand. But the Holy Spirit is a mystery to many people. Who He is and what He does can be confusing to figure out. These articles seek to cover what’s essential to know about the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives.

Beginner's Guide to Prayer

Beginner's Guide to Prayer

We don’t drive without taking driving lessons, but most people pray before they’ve ever been taught how to pray. These articles explore what the Bible teaches about prayer and give practical tips on how to grow in it.

Beginner's Guide to the Gospel-Centered Life

Beginner's Guide to the Gospel-Centered Life

Most Christians know enough of the gospel to begin to follow Jesus but never learn how to connect the gospel to the rest of their lives. These articles show how the good news about Jesus can change everything for us.

Beginner's Guide to Baptism

Beginner's Guide to Baptism

Baptism is strange to begin with, but with so many different traditions surrounding it, it’s only natural that people would be confused. These articles seek to clear through the confusion and explain what the Bible actually teaches.

Beginner's Guide to the Bible

Beginner's Guide to the Bible

God has revealed Himself and His will for our lives in the Bible, but few people know how to read it in a way that changes their lives. These articles deal with the extent to which the Bible can be trusted and how to get something out of it.

Beginner's Guide to Faith

Beginner's Guide to Faith

Jesus died to provide salvation for broken people, but many people never come to terms with what we need to do to respond to it. These articles explain how to respond to Jesus in repentance and faith and know that you’re truly forgiven.

Beginner's Guide to the Gospel

Beginner's Guide to the Gospel

The heart of the Bible is a message of good news for broken people and yet many people get lost in the rules and secondary teachings. These articles seek to clarify that good news and why it matters.

Beginner's Guide to Leading Like a Shepherd

Beginner's Guide to Leading Like a Shepherd

We use many words for leaders today, and the words matter. The main metaphor that the Bible uses for leader is pastor or shepherd. Understanding that metaphor and its implications helps us understand the Bible’s unique vision for leadership. These articles explore that vision.

Beginner's Guide to Election and Predestination

Beginner's Guide to Election and Predestination

There’s perhaps no topic that has caused more confusion for Christians than the Bible’s teachings about election and predestination. These articles seek to explain the Bible’s teachings on God’s sovereignty and human freedom.

Beginner's Guide to Protestants and Catholics

Beginner's Guide to Protestants and Catholics

How is it that Protestants and Catholics have been divided for over 500 years? What do they share in common? What are the real differences? These articles try to separate fact from fiction and contrast their positions.