The Top 10 of 2024
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We’re all bombarded with more information than we can process. Recounting the most popular articles and videos from Out of Neutral at the end of the year is my way of helping you see what you might have overlooked or missed. But it’s also a way for me to see the kinds of themes that people are interested in learning about. This year, people were drawn to posts about the Bible, theology, and some of the challenges of the Christian life. Here are the top 10 of 2024.
10. How To Start a Christian Cult
Cults thrive on twisting truth. By isolating verses, ignoring context, and using fear over grace, they turn gospel freedom into chains.
9. Good Things God Might Be Doing When Bad Things Happen
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? While the question is timeless, Jesus’ perspective offers surprising insights into how God redeems trials for our good.
8. Three Ways Our Views on Money Would Shock the Early Church
What would a first-century Christian think of our excuses for not giving? Their radical generosity might challenge everything we believe about what it means to follow Jesus.
7. How To Love Your Enemy When Your Enemy’s an Abusive Family Member
Christians are called to love their enemies, but with an abusive person, it's not so simple. When does loving become enabling? How do you protect your personal safety? This post examines the tensions.
6. Is the King James Version the Only Bible Translation You Should Read?
The King James Version has been a reliable translation and trusted Bible for more than 400 years. This post looks at how to evaluate the modern translations in light of it.
5. What Happens When We Confuse Friendship and Fellowship
Our longing for connection reflects how God designed us, but true fellowship in the church is more than friendship—it’s about mutual growth and encouragement in Christ. This post looks at why that distinction matters.
4. How Baptists and Christian Reformed Believers Speak Past Each Other on Baptism
The when and how of baptism sparks passionate debate among Christians, but the conversation deepens our understanding of God’s covenants and calls us to reflect on Scripture with humility.
3. Four Lessons From Joshua About the Battle for Your Faith
What can an ancient book about warfare teach Christians today? Joshua reveals surprising truths about spiritual victory, struggle, and the hope we have in a greater Saviour.
2. Why Don’t Catholics and Protestants Read the Same Bible?
Why do Catholic and Protestant Bibles differ? It’s not about translations or changes over time. The answer reveals the heart of what each believes.
1. What Attracts Us to the Story of Noah’s Ark Distracts Us From Its Message
What if everything you thought you knew about Noah’s Ark missed the point? Beyond the animals and the flood, there’s a message we need to hear.
That wraps up this year’s posts! If you have a question—big or small—that you’d like me to explore in the new year, let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.
In awe of Him,