Today, people are quick to take each other to court and fight to get what they think they’re owed. Often, there’s much injustice done in the attempt to get justice. How should a Christian deal with their grievances? What should our attitude be toward lawsuits? This message looks at how Jesus’ followers can follow Jesus’ ways when they are wronged by fellow believers.
1 Corinthians 6:1-8, Matthew 18:15-17 // [outline]
As cases of church coverups of sexual abuse continue to make the headlines, the world wants the church to do better. This message looks at how the church should deal with its sin and examines the practice of church discipline.
1 Corinthians 5:1-13 // [outline]
Most people assume that they’ve got things pretty much figured out. When they begin to learn about God, they figure with a few tweaks they’ll be good to go. Jesus explained why far more drastic adjustments are often needed. This message looks at when those changes are needed and the joy that can motivate them when they are.
Luke 5:27-39 // [outline]
When we hear of Jesus’ miracles, we can either feel cynical or disappointed if we don’t see Him respond in the same way in our lives. This message looks at why Jesus healed people and why He doesn’t always heal people today.
Luke 5:17-26 // [outline]
Sometimes we can feel so beaten down and rejected that it feels like God’s against us. This message looks at a person who hoped in Jesus but wasn’t sure whether Jesus had any hope for him. It shows us how we can know that Jesus cares no matter how hard life feels.
Luke 5:12-16 // [outline]
Jesus chose to humble Himself, eschew His own divine power, submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and rely upon His empowerment to live a holy life, in total obedience to His Father. This message will look at how to be filled with the Spirit, how to welcome the Spirit into our lives, and why the Holy Spirit chooses to come.
John 16:5-15 // [outline]
Jesus chose to humble Himself, eschew His own divine power, submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and rely upon His empowerment to live a holy life, in total obedience to His Father. This message will look at how to be filled with the Spirit, how to welcome the Spirit into our lives, and why the Holy Spirit chooses to come.
John 16:5-15 // [outline]
Peter’s transformation from bystander to follower provides a case study in how Jesus seeks to work in our lives.
Luke 5:1-11 // [outline]
Jesus made some remarkable claims that people, at first, struggled to accept. He went on, however, to prove those claims with incredible miracles and acts of power. This message looks at how we should understand those miracles today and what we can learn from them.
Luke 4:31-44 // [outline]
In His famous hometown sermon, the good news is rejected, and Jesus is almost killed because of the crowd’s preconceptions. This message looks at the good news about Jesus and the obstacles that keep us from receiving it.
Luke 4:14-30 // [outline]
Most Bible scholars today are convinced that the last 12 verses of Mark’s Gospel were added by a scribe trying to fix what seemed like a strange ending. And yet, because they’re there, most people read them and miss what is likely the actual ending of Mark’s Gospel. This message looks at the incredible message in this ending that history almost erased.
Mark 16:1-8 // [outline]
On one hand, we complain when people do terrible things and God ‘doesn’t do anything about it.’ On the other hand, we struggle with the idea of a God who judges the world. The vision of the 7 bowls helps makes sense of God’s judgment and how we should live in light of it.
Revelation 16:1-21 // [outline]
Today, it’s popular to talk about ‘living in the moment,’ ‘living one day at a time,’ and ‘living for the weekend.’ The problem is that tomorrow we have to live with the decisions we made today. This message looks at why it’s so vital to live in light of eternity and how we can do that.
Revelation 14:1-13 // [outline]
When we ignore Satan’s influence, there’s much of our world that doesn’t make sense, and we’re left vulnerable to his attacks. This message looks at how the devil seeks to tear us down and the help that God has given us to overcome him.
Revelation 12:1-17 // [outline]
It’s easy to become discouraged when you share your faith and those you love don’t seem to take notice. This message looks at how God gets the attention of even the most resistant people.
Revelation 11:1-14 // [outline]
As pandemics and wars make our world feel more apocalyptic, we can begin to lose our way. Fears and doubts shift our attention from Jesus and His mission. This message looks at how to live when the end is approaching.
Revelation 10:1-11 // [outline]
As events in our world begin to unravel and we ask the hard questions about what on earth God is doing, Scripture speaks. This message looks at the vision of the 7 trumpets in Revelation that are given to help us make sense of life in the last days.
Revelation 8:2-9:21 and 11:15-19 // [outline]
Do you ever feel discouraged from starting something because you fear you won’t be able to finish it? Do you worry that you’re not faithful enough or strong enough to deal with the trials and temptations that may come? The vision of the sealed in Revelation 7 was given to provide you courage and hope when times are tough.
Revelation 7:1-17 // [outline]