Is God Blind to Abuse in This World?

Is God Blind to Abuse in This World?

When confronted with the evil and injustice in our world, we’re often caught off guard. We wonder why God doesn’t do something about it. Meanwhile, we gravitate toward passive indifference or vengeful aggression, and we can find our own character is corrupted in the process. This message looks at how to deal with the world’s injustice.

Genesis 34 // [outline]

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How to Respond to Powerful People

How to Respond to Powerful People

We all face the pressure of powerful people in our lives; governments, bosses, and popular classmates, but how should we respond to the pressure? Jacob, in Genesis 33, provides us a helpful example, showing us that God’s people walk the path of humility, generosity, and obedience.

Genesis 33:1-20 // [outline]

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The Lamb and the Scroll

The Lamb and the Scroll

In this message we will explore the meaning of the sealed scroll and why no one is able to break the seals and read what is written except for the unique person who is at one and the same time the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, and Lamb who has been slain. Then we will consider why this is important if we are to interpret Revelation correctly, and it's significance for our lives as human beings.

Revelation 5:1-14 // [outline]

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God Loves to Wrestle

God Loves to Wrestle

When we feel desperate, the temptation is to fight with the wrong people for the wrong things or just give up and settle. In this message, we learn from Jacob’s wrestling with God how to pursue Him for what our hearts most yearn for.

Genesis 32:22-32 // [outline]

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A Fear to Conquer All Fears

A Fear to Conquer All Fears

There are many terms we can use to describe the various fears which we have in our lives. But all the way from the time of today’s passage to the present day, one of the most powerful kinds of fears we have is the fear of other people. This message looks at the only true way we can conquer this fear in our lives - through a different kind of fear.

Genesis 32:1-21 // [outline]

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How to Break Free From Your Past

How to Break Free From Your Past

We often find ourselves wanting to change. But when we start with the behaviour without addressing our thinking, frustration often results. This message looks at how God uses our circumstances and His Word to confront the patterns in our mind that bind us to our past.

Genesis 31:22-55 // [outline]

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How to End Well

How to End Well

When circumstances are difficult, moving on can seem like a solution. But how do you tell the difference between moving on and running away? And even when you are convinced that it’s time to move on, how do you move on without regret? This message looks at a transition in the life of Jacob that teaches us how to end well.

Genesis 31:1-21 // [outline]

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Scheming for What God Would Freely Give You

Scheming for What God Would Freely Give You

When it’s hard to see God’s blessing and change in our circumstances is a long time coming, we can be tempted to take matters into our own hands. This message shows us that God is at work even in our setbacks and can be trusted as the only source of true blessing.

Genesis 30:25-43 // [outline]

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Looking for Love in the Wrong Places

Looking for Love in the Wrong Places

Most of us go through life, trying to fill what seems to be missing. And it often feels like God is getting in our way rather than helping us find what we want. This message looks at one person who tried to find satisfaction in romance, another in status, and a third in comfort. In all their circumstances, God was seeking to persuade them that He was the One who could truly satisfy them.

Genesis 29:31-30:24 // [outline]

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Deal with your Past or It'll Become Your Future

Deal with your Past or It'll Become Your Future

Some people think that they have to be cleaned up before they come to God. Others assume that through an encounter with Him, they will be instantly changed. Neither of those attitudes aligns with the Bible. This message looks at how God helps us to change.

Genesis 29:15-30 // [outline]

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An Elevator That Goes All the Way Up

An Elevator That Goes All the Way Up

A belief in karma is popular today. You get what you deserve, they say. But in the Scriptures, we encounter a God who gives us more than we deserve and often we struggle in our response. This message looks at the grace of God and how we respond to it.

Genesis 28:10-22 // [outline]

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Hungry for God's Blessing

Hungry for God's Blessing

Does God’s goodness matter in a world that’s so evil? The Bible talks about God’s good plans and promises, but our world is filled with so much that seems opposed to Him that we can lose hope. This message considers whether the sin of the world or even our own heart can frustrate the plan of God.

Genesis 27:1-45 // [outline]

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Looking for a Quick Fix?

Looking for a Quick Fix?

Israel came to be known as the chosen people, but why did God choose them? Was there something special about them that set them apart? And if so, if they lost that special something would God abandon them? This message looks at how and why God chooses people for salvation and what it means for how we relate to Him and the life that He calls us to.

Genesis 25:19-34 // [outline]

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Fake It 'Til You Make It?

Fake It 'Til You Make It?

There are situations where people recommend that you should “fake it ‘til you make it.” While there may be times when that works, there are other times when it’s a deadly strategy. This message looks at what happens when we fake it with God and how to get back to a more honest relationship with Him and others.

John 9:35-41 // [outline]

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The Mission Mystery

The Mission Mystery

Paul's mission is also our mission. This Sunday we will learn about what your mission is and about its cost and glory.

Colossians 1:24-29 // [outline]

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Living Life with the Lights Out

Living Life with the Lights Out

Sometimes our lives veer far off course and we’re left wondering why. Or something that seems so clear to us seems crazy to others. This message looks at some of the assumptions, fears and habits that lead us to make wrong turns in our lives and how we can get back on track.

John 9:13-34 // [outline]

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Is God Punishing Me?

Is God Punishing Me?

When something goes wrong, we’re quick to blame ourselves or others or God. We assume that trials must be punishments and we try to evaluate them to see whether they’re fair. Jesus shows us that punishment often isn’t the purpose at all. He points to God’s good purposes even in tragedy and shows us how to understand God’s working in our lives.

John 9:1-12 // [outline]

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Teaching Your Heart to Sing

Teaching Your Heart to Sing

It’s easy to be weighed down by bad news and disappointment. We can complain about the bad stuff and be complacent about the good stuff. This psalm teaches us how to find our joy in God no matter what we’re facing.

Psalm 103 // [outline]

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When it Feels Like the World's Against You

When it Feels Like the World's Against You

Our ability to cope with difficult and painful circumstances will be tested over the course of this pandemic. We’ll likely face times when our strength seems to fail and the answers to prayer that we had hoped for don’t come. This message looks at some practical steps we can take when it feels like the world is against us.

Psalm 69// [outline]

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How to Come Clean with God

How to Come Clean with God

Guilt has a way of gnawing at your peace and shame can tear down your self-confidence. And our most instinctive reactions, denial and escape, can dull the effects for a while but don’t really solve anything. According to the Bible, the only lasting solution is found in the forgiveness and grace of God. This message looks at how to come clean with God in a way that positions us to receive His forgiveness.

Psalm 32 // [outline]

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