Hope in Our Grief

Hope in Our Grief

The death of a loved one is one of life’s most painful experiences. And facing the reality of our own mortality can bring out fears and concerns. But the Bible declares a certain hope rooted in Jesus’ own death and resurrection. This message looks at the Christian hope and clears up confusion about Jesus’ return and popular theories about the rapture.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 // [outline]

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Sinner, Saviour, Servant, Shipwreck

Sinner, Saviour, Servant, Shipwreck

How would you summarize your experience of God’s grace? In today’s sermon, Keith Edwards will explore 4 key words from the life of the Apostle Paul and apply them to our lives.

1 Timothy 1:12-20 // [outline]

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Love by Design

Love by Design

It’s been said that most cultures and religions either deify sex or demonize it. Sex is either seen as a god or a taboo. But the Bible sees it as neither. Instead, it places it within a framework of sacrificial love, modeled by God Himself. This message looks at love as God designed it and helps bring God into focus in our relationships.

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 // [outline]

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We're Better Together

We're Better Together

Canadians are fiercely private. Individualism reigns. But Christian fellowship is one of the primary means God has given for our growth. This message looks at what fellowship can accomplish in our lives and how we can overcome the obstacles that keep us from it.

 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 // [outline]

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No One Said It Would Be Easy

No One Said It Would Be Easy

When we begin to walk with God, we assume life will be good and everything will start going our way. But Satan is a real influence in this world, and he opposes God and all who would turn to him. This message looks at how to discern his influence in your life and stand against his attacks.

1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:5 // [outline]

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Don't Waste Your Breath

Don't Waste Your Breath

Most of us want to lead useful lives. We want to accomplish things. We want to bring light into darkness. If we have children, we want to nurture them in ways that will bless them. But there are things we can do to undermine our impact. This message looks at the mindsets that are critical to making the most of the influence God has given us.

1 Thessalonians 2:1-16 // [outline]

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The Power of a Living Hope

The Power of a Living Hope

As people take steps in the Christian life, they can be tempted to think that ‘the secret’ is in some new teaching or experience. But growth in the Christian life comes by returning to the starting point and deepening our understanding and response to the foundation. This message looks at that foundation and the most common ways people misunderstand and stray from it.

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 // [outline]

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Abraham Rejoiced to See This

Abraham Rejoiced to See This

It’s popular for people to say today that, ‘We all worship the same God.’ But is that a meaningful statement? According to the Bible it’s not whether we worship a being that we call ‘God’ that’s important but rather what we believe about the God that we worship. Today’s message offers three questions to help understand whether the God that you worship is, in fact, the God of the Bible.

John 8:48-59 // [outline]

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Sincerely. Wrong.

Sincerely. Wrong.

Today, people like to say, “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you’re sincere.” But if that’s true, how important could the content of those beliefs really be? In this message, Jesus addresses some people who appeared to be sincere but were sincerely wrong. He explains why and gives us some ways we can test our own beliefs and discern whether they’re worth being sincere about.

 John 8:39-47 // [outline]

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The Truth That Sets You Free

The Truth That Sets You Free

Many people want freedom, but few know how to experience it. In fact, many of the things in our world that promise us freedom end in addiction. Today’s message looks at the path that Jesus promises will end in true and lasting freedom.

John 8:31-38 // [outline]


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Jesus Invites Us into the Light

Jesus Invites Us into the Light

Life can seem awfully dark at times. But Jesus claimed to be the light of the world. This message looks at the hope that He offers and the things that keep us from entering into the light that He seeks to shine into our lives.

John 8:12-30 // [outline]

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How We Know What God Said

How We Know What God Said

Many people assume that the Bible was passed down a little bit like the telephone game – copies of copies of copies with the message shifting with each generation. This message digs into the details about how the Bible we have today relates to what was originally written. It shows how incredibly reliable the Scriptures are but gives an honest look at the process by which they’ve been preserved.

John 7:53-8:11 // [outline]

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How Jesus Quenches Our Thirst

How Jesus Quenches Our Thirst

We all long for fullness in life and we seek it in different places. But Jesus claims to be the One who can truly fill us. This message looks at God’s plan to fill the hole in our lives and what we can do experience His filling.

 John 7:37-52 // [outline]

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Entering God's Presence

Entering God's Presence

Many people approach God for many different reasons, but of all these people, who will God receive? David, in Psalm 15, provides an answer to that ever important question. He calls people to walk the righteous path and experience the blessings of living in God's presence. 

Psalm 15 // [outline]

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They Need the Gospel Too

They Need the Gospel Too

God is bringing Muslim immigrants to Canada in record numbers. Most of them have never had an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus. We, as the church, have the amazing opportunity and calling to share with them the gospel that we so richly enjoy. The question though is “Are you ready…to give an answer for what you believe and why?”

Romans 10:1-21 // [outline]

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Make Up Your Mind

Make Up Your Mind

We live in a time when making right/wrong judgments feels proud and exclusive. But the same Jesus who said, “Judge not, that you be not judged,” also said, “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” This message examines when it’s important to make up our mind and how we can go about it.

John 7:19-36 // [outline]

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The Morning That Turns Tears into Joy

The Morning That Turns Tears into Joy

Death is like cement to our disappointments. But Easter gives a promise of life. This message looks at the first person Jesus revealed Himself to after He was resurrected – a grieving woman – and shows how Easter can turn our tears into joy.

John 20:11-18 // [outline]

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God's Treasured Possession

God's Treasured Possession

We live in a time when many are questioning the value of faith and religion. And it can stir doubt in our own hearts. This message looks at how to respond with conviction in times of uncertainty and the grace of God that meets us when we do.

Malachi 3:13-4:6 // [outline]

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Test God's Generosity

Test God's Generosity

Money is a subject that almost no one likes to discuss. And prosperity teachers have spread greed in the name of God’s Word and compromised the church’s integrity in this area. But the Bible teaches on this topic extensively and it’s a significant part of how we relate to God. This message looks at God’s teaching on giving and His invitation to those who would taste His generosity.

Malachi 3:6-12 // [outline]

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Refiner's Fire

Refiner's Fire

When we look at the injustice of human trafficking, the #MeToo movement, racial prejudice and mass shootings, it feels like our world’s out of control. We wonder where God is. And if He’s seeing what we’re seeing, why isn’t He doing anything about it? Today’s passage looks at God’s plan to bring justice to our world.

Malachi 2:17-3:5 // [outline]

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