Sermons Listing — Grace Baptist Church
How to Live Life Free of Regrets


How to Live Life Free of Regrets

Regret is a common feeling people confront at the end of their lives. How do we live today so that we don’t experience regret tomorrow? This message looks at how it’s possible to seize life’s opportunities and the joy that God can give.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:1 // [outline]


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People Who Cut Wood With Blunt Axes


People Who Cut Wood With Blunt Axes

We live in the information age where keeping up with the latest is everything and no one has time for God’s ancient truth. But we lack wisdom as a result and can hijack our happiness and sabotage God’s blessings. This message looks at the power of wisdom and how to pursue it.

Ecclesiastes 10:1-20 // [outline]


Available on YouTube
The Powerful Impact of Others in My Life


The Powerful Impact of Others in My Life

God has made us partners of the gospel, and He uses mutual relationships in order to reach His goal to make us like Christ, and build His church. As we look at Philippians 1, we’ll see how God uses other people in our lives to help us grow and bring joy and thankfulness.

Philippians 1:3-8 // [outline]


Available on YouTube
Enjoy the Ride but Don't  Take the Wheel


Enjoy the Ride but Don't Take the Wheel

We’re tempted to approach life like it’s something that we can control. But when we do, it frustrates us and disappoints us. This message looks at how to find joy in life despite the unpredictability of life and the certainty of death.

Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 // [outline]


Available on YouTube