Sermons Listing — Grace Baptist Church
The Promise of a Royal Priest


The Promise of a Royal Priest

The songs and movies we hear this time of year tend to equate Christmas with the promise of romance, family, or tradition. The Christmas promises of the Bible are far more enduring. This message looks at the promise of a royal priest and how Jesus can give us hope for the year ahead.

Psalm 110:4 // [outline]


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The Bible's Hope for a Divided World


The Bible's Hope for a Divided World

In a world full of violence, injustice, sickness, and death, it can be easy to fall into feelings of hopelessness. Recognizing this, the Apostle John in Revelation 7 described a vision of hope that comforted the persecuted early church and should still comfort us today.

Revelation 7:9-17 // [outline]


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How the Gospel Attacks Discrimination


How the Gospel Attacks Discrimination

As people in the early church came to faith, they brought attitudes of discrimination and superiority that only the gospel could dismantle. This message looks at the core of the teaching that undid their prejudice and can deal with ours.

Colossians 3:5-11 // [outline]


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How the Gospel Attacks Discrimination


How the Gospel Attacks Discrimination

As people in the early church came to faith, they brought attitudes of discrimination and superiority that only the gospel could dismantle. This message looks at the core of the teaching that undid their prejudice and can deal with ours.

Colossians 3:5-11 // [outline]


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Africa's First Christian


Africa's First Christian

There’s so much in this world that can discourage us. We long to make a difference but struggle to understand how. This message looks at Philip’s encounter with an Ethiopian eunuch and shows us how God can use you as a force for good in our world today.

Acts 8:26-40 // [outline]


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Loving THEM?


Loving THEM?

The Good Samaritan is one of Jesus’ most famous stories. Despite our familiarity with it, most people hear the moral but miss the point. While confronting our indifference, prejudice and tendency to justify ourselves, Jesus helps us to see what’s needed for us to inherit eternal life.

Luke 10:25-37 // [outline]


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