Trials are an unavoidable part of life. But they’re all the more painful when we don’t see them coming. For God’s people, the Bible describes both salvation and suffering as gifts of a gracious God who loves us. Understanding God’s purpose in trials can give hope and strength in the face of our challenges.
Many people face death with fear and regret. But the Bible presents a way of living that results in hope, confidence and even anticipation in the face of death. This talk presents a clear path for anyone to examine their life in light of Scripture and find the confidence that God provides to face death.
Philippians 1:19-26 // [outline]
When difficulties hit, it’s easy to blame God and ask why He allowed them. But it’s only as we start asking what His purposes in our suffering might be that we begin to grasp God’s good plan for us.
Philippians 1:12-18 // [outline]
Gratitude changes people’s lives, but how can we get it? We tend to rest our feelings of thanks on comfortable circumstances but God can build gratitude in us as we reflect on what He’s done and anticipate what He’ll do. Our gratitude grows as we move from spectator to participant in the purposes of God.
Philippians 1:1-11 // [outline]
We need courage for many things in life, but perhaps nowhere more than in the area of parenting. It takes courage to trust God’s wisdom for our children, especially when others are steering us in other directions. But it’s that wisdom that can lead them into a life of blessing.
Ephesians 6:1-4 // [outline]