Sermons Listing — Grace Baptist Church
Misplaced Courage


Misplaced Courage

Sometimes we lack confidence. Other times, we’re so confident we take on battles we were never designed to face. Discerning between the world’s battles and the Lord’s battles helps us to know when to dig in and when to walk away.

Judges 8:13-28 // [outline]


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Courage to See God's Victory


Courage to See God's Victory

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “The only fight which is lost is that which we give up.” Too often we don’t have the courage to persevere because the task feels too big and our resources feel too small. But often God deliberately aims to make us feel overwhelmed in order that we would trust Him and see the victory that only He can bring.

Judges 7:9-25 // [outline]


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Courage to Follow Where God Leads


Courage to Follow Where God Leads

Most of us have things we would like to accomplish but find ourselves held back by fear. But God is at work in our lives to move us to trust Him and follow where He leads. As we lay hold of His promises and trust in His victory, we find the courage to step out in confidence.

Judges 6:36-7:8 // [outline]


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Befriending the Unfriendly


Befriending the Unfriendly

1 Peter 3:13-17, 4:12-19 // [outline]


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