Many people assume that the Bible was passed down a little bit like the telephone game – copies of copies of copies with the message shifting with each generation. This message digs into the details about how the Bible we have today relates to what was originally written. It shows how incredibly reliable the Scriptures are but gives an honest look at the process by which they’ve been preserved.
John 7:53-8:11 // [outline]
We all long for fullness in life and we seek it in different places. But Jesus claims to be the One who can truly fill us. This message looks at God’s plan to fill the hole in our lives and what we can do experience His filling.
John 7:37-52 // [outline]
Many people approach God for many different reasons, but of all these people, who will God receive? David, in Psalm 15, provides an answer to that ever important question. He calls people to walk the righteous path and experience the blessings of living in God's presence.
God is bringing Muslim immigrants to Canada in record numbers. Most of them have never had an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus. We, as the church, have the amazing opportunity and calling to share with them the gospel that we so richly enjoy. The question though is “Are you ready…to give an answer for what you believe and why?”
Romans 10:1-21 // [outline]