Selfishness hurts relationships and often spoils the good in our lives. But it’s difficult to recognize in ourselves and even more difficult to root out. This message looks at how we can relate to God in such a way that we can break free from the selfish patterns we’re prone to.
John 7:1-18 // [outline]
Some people will look to Jesus, but try to approach Him as a peer, on their own terms. They pick and choose the teachings that they already agree with. This message looks at a group of people who chose to accept Jesus’ hard teachings and in so doing found life and hope that wouldn’t have otherwise been possible.
John 6:60-71 // [outline]
Frustration can easily turn into grumbling but when it does, it often poisons the good in our life and keeps us from seeing a way forward. This message looks at the help Jesus gives in breaking free of that negativity to the hope that He gives.
John 6:41-59 // [outline]
Even when we seem to have everything we need, there’s a longing that we feel. There’s a spiritual hunger that we often try to feed with more stuff or more accomplishments or more relationships. But the hunger remains. In this message, we look at Jesus’s teachings about this hunger and how it can be satisfied.
John 6:22-40 // [outline]