In His famous hometown sermon, the good news is rejected, and Jesus is almost killed because of the crowd’s preconceptions. This message looks at the good news about Jesus and the obstacles that keep us from receiving it.
Luke 4:14-30 // [outline]
In His famous hometown sermon, the good news is rejected, and Jesus is almost killed because of the crowd’s preconceptions. This message looks at the good news about Jesus and the obstacles that keep us from receiving it.
Most Bible scholars today are convinced that the last 12 verses of Mark’s Gospel were added by a scribe trying to fix what seemed like a strange ending. And yet, because they’re there, most people read them and miss what is likely the actual ending of Mark’s Gospel. This message looks at the incredible message in this ending that history almost erased.
On one hand, we complain when people do terrible things and God ‘doesn’t do anything about it.’ On the other hand, we struggle with the idea of a God who judges the world. The vision of the 7 bowls helps makes sense of God’s judgment and how we should live in light of it.
Today, it’s popular to talk about ‘living in the moment,’ ‘living one day at a time,’ and ‘living for the weekend.’ The problem is that tomorrow we have to live with the decisions we made today. This message looks at why it’s so vital to live in light of eternity and how we can do that.