Sermons Listing — Grace Baptist Church
Seeking God in an Age of Choice


Seeking God in an Age of Choice

We live in a world of unprecedented choices. We pick food from a buffet. We want the infinite choice of Amazon and on-line shopping. And we swipe right to choose a partner. But we can also bring the same mindset to God and the Bible. This message deals with how we can avoid the ‘choice mindset’ getting in the way of experiencing the blessing of God.

Genesis 17:1-14 // [outline]


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When You Feel Invisible


When You Feel Invisible

We can feel invisible in our relationships, invisible in our careers, invisible at school, even invisible to God. And feeling invisible can lead us to destructive choices. This message looks at a person who felt invisible but was transformed by the God who saw her.

Genesis 16:1-16 [outline]


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When You Doubt Your Ever After


When You Doubt Your Ever After

Painful experiences can fuel doubt about God and where we stand with Him. But God meets us in our questioning and can lead us to a place of hope and peace. This message looks at how God responded to Abraham’s doubts and shows us what we can do when circumstances overwhelm us.

Genesis 15:1-21 // [outline]


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Eyes on Syria


Eyes on Syria

God is at work! In the midst of social upheaval, more Muslims have come to Christ in our generation than in the previous 1,000 years. Ten million people are displaced within Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. And the church has mobilized to serve their new neighbours. In this message, guest speaker, Joseph Najem, will share how “Eyes on Syria” gives us a view to this new frontier.

Good News for the Middle East // [outline]


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