Sermons Listing — Grace Baptist Church
There's a Wrong Way to be Right


There's a Wrong Way to be Right

God’s Word is our source of truth. Jesus called Himself “the Truth.” The Holy Spirit guides us into truth. And Christians are called to stand for the truth. But we can start to think that getting the right answer is the point. In fact, the old adage is true: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. This message looks at the wrong way to be right and how to avoid it.

Romans 14:13-23 // [outline]


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How Can We Agree to Disagree?


How Can We Agree to Disagree?

Most of us have a natural tendency to think that we’re right. Sprinkle in some Bible verses and now we feel as if we have divine confirmation that we are right. That can be dangerous. The Bible teaches that there are many areas where we should agree to disagree. This message looks at how to know when to do that and how we should respond when we do.

Romans 14:1-12 // [outline]


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Reasons to Care


Reasons to Care

The pandemic has tested our love. It’s become easier to hate than it is to care or even understand. The Bible doesn’t just command love, however, it gives reasons to do so and motivation to fuel our love. This message looks at the reasons we should care when caring doesn’t come easily.

Romans 13:8-14 // [outline]


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God Gave Me a Politician?


God Gave Me a Politician?

Romans 13 has been used to justify the divine right of kings in medieval Europe, the atrocities of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, and the injustice of apartheid in South Africa. Rightly understood, however, this passage provides critical principles for understanding how our faith should cause us to think about and relate to government.

Romans 13:1-7 // [outline]


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How to Show Love When It's Hard


How to Show Love When It's Hard

When division around us grows and people begin to take sides, it’s easy to forget that we’re called to be a people of love. This message looks at how to show love when loving doesn’t come easily.

Romans 12:9-21 // [outline]


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