We live at a time when Christianity is facing increasing criticism and dissenting from our culture’s values brings consequences. Stephen’s martyrdom provides principles that dispel the myths that we have about how to cope when opposition looms.
Acts 6:8-15, 7:57-60 // [outline]
We often think about the challenges that the church faces from the world. But sometimes the challenges are in the mirror. This passage looks at an internal problem the church faced and the priorities that guided its resolution then and should direct our churches today.
Acts 6:1-7 // [outline]
Peter is famous for being the disciple who denied Jesus three times. Later, however, he demonstrated incredible courage in the face of persecution and eventual death. This message looks at what changed him and how we can develop convictions and courage in our lives today.
Acts 5:27-42 // [outline]
Fears can keep us from following Jesus and serving Him. We fear what people might say. We fear what we might lose. We fear what we don’t know. This message looks at how Jesus meets us in our fears and how He builds His church in spite of them.
Acts 5:12-26 // outline