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Guest Speaker

Entering God's Presence

Entering God's Presence

Many people approach God for many different reasons, but of all these people, who will God receive? David, in Psalm 15, provides an answer to that ever important question. He calls people to walk the righteous path and experience the blessings of living in God's presence. 

Psalm 15 // [outline]

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They Need the Gospel Too

They Need the Gospel Too

God is bringing Muslim immigrants to Canada in record numbers. Most of them have never had an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus. We, as the church, have the amazing opportunity and calling to share with them the gospel that we so richly enjoy. The question though is “Are you ready…to give an answer for what you believe and why?”

Romans 10:1-21 // [outline]

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Eyes on Syria

Eyes on Syria

God is at work! In the midst of social upheaval, more Muslims have come to Christ in our generation than in the previous 1,000 years. Ten million people are displaced within Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. And the church has mobilized to serve their new neighbours. In this message, guest speaker, Joseph Najem, will share how “Eyes on Syria” gives us a view to this new frontier.

Good News for the Middle East // [outline]

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Is There Anyone We Can Trust?

Is There Anyone We Can Trust?

In a world of fake news, alternate facts and bitter partisanship, you may ask:  “Is there anyone we can trust?” If you are confused, discouraged or fearful, and wondering where to turn; whom to trust; what to build your life upon; then Psalm 23 is the perfect prescription for your dilemma.

Psalm 23:1-6 // [outline]

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Befriending the Unfriendly

Befriending the Unfriendly

1 Peter 3:13-17, 4:12-19 // [outline]

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No Longer Alone

No Longer Alone

1 John 1:1-10 // [outline]

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The Philippians Citizenship & Partnership

The Philippians Citizenship & Partnership

Acts 16, Philippians 1 & 4 // [outline]

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The Way Forward

The Way Forward

John 21:15-19 // [outline]

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A Throne in Heaven

A Throne in Heaven

Revelation 4:1-11 // [outline]

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Connecting with the Bible

Connecting with the Bible

James 1:17-25 // [outline]

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Seeking the God Who Seeks You

Seeking the God Who Seeks You

Matthew 7:7 (no outline)

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Don't Lose Heart

Don't Lose Heart

2 Corinthians 4 // [outline]

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The Groanings of Creation

The Groanings of Creation

Romans 8:18-22 // [outline]

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We Have an Advocate

We Have an Advocate

I John 1:1-2:6 // [outline]

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Ordination Service

Ordination Service

Guest Speaker - Paul Kerr

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Wise Choices at Key Moments

Wise Choices at Key Moments

Exodus 33:11 // [outline]
Guest Speaker - Mark Gilbert

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