We grow in the life of faith by trusting and responding to what God has said. When churches talk more about what people say than what God has said, Christians drift into error. This message looks at how to hold onto truth when the world turns away from it.
1 Timothy 1:1-11
We all consider ourselves rational, open-minded people. The reality is, however, that we’re often not interested in listening to certain truths and can go to great lengths to avoid them. As Nietzsche said, “People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” This message looks at some of the obstacles to confronting the truth and how to overcome them.
John 11:45-57 // [outline]
Today, people like to say, “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you’re sincere.” But if that’s true, how important could the content of those beliefs really be? In this message, Jesus addresses some people who appeared to be sincere but were sincerely wrong. He explains why and gives us some ways we can test our own beliefs and discern whether they’re worth being sincere about.
John 8:39-47 // [outline]
Many people assume that the Bible was passed down a little bit like the telephone game – copies of copies of copies with the message shifting with each generation. This message digs into the details about how the Bible we have today relates to what was originally written. It shows how incredibly reliable the Scriptures are but gives an honest look at the process by which they’ve been preserved.
John 7:53-8:11 // [outline]
The Bible claims to be the Word of God. But why should we trust its words more than any other book? This message looks at why we should take its claims to divine authority seriously.
Galatians 1:11-24 // [outline]