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How Jesus Restores Paradise on Earth

How Jesus Restores Paradise on Earth

When we see the dysfunction in our world, we often wonder what God is doing about it. This message looks at how God seeks to change one person at a time by transforming how we approach marriage, parenting, and work.

Colossians 3:17-4:1 // [outline]

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God Gave Me a Politician?

God Gave Me a Politician?

Romans 13 has been used to justify the divine right of kings in medieval Europe, the atrocities of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, and the injustice of apartheid in South Africa. Rightly understood, however, this passage provides critical principles for understanding how our faith should cause us to think about and relate to government.

Romans 13:1-7 // [outline]

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Connect to the Power of the Holy Spirit

Connect to the Power of the Holy Spirit

Many people find the Bible’s teachings about the Holy Spirit confusing. The command to be filled with the Holy Spirit is at the heart of how we are to live the Christian life, but it is a command that is often misunderstood. This message looks at how to be filled with the Holy Spirit and what you can expect to see when you are.

Ephesians 5:15-21 // [outline]

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When You Feel Invisible

When You Feel Invisible

We can feel invisible in our relationships, invisible in our careers, invisible at school, even invisible to God. And feeling invisible can lead us to destructive choices. This message looks at a person who felt invisible but was transformed by the God who saw her.

Genesis 16:1-16 [outline]

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