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A Prayer to Reverse a Curse

A Prayer to Reverse a Curse

Our prayers often resemble shopping lists of things we want from a divine vending machine in the sky. And our relationship with God and His working in our lives are stunted when they do. This message looks at Solomon’s prayer when he dedicated the temple and how it should shape our own prayers today.

1 Kings 8:27-53 // [outline]

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Things We Love More Than the Truth

Things We Love More Than the Truth

We all consider ourselves rational, open-minded people. The reality is, however, that we’re often not interested in listening to certain truths and can go to great lengths to avoid them. As Nietzsche said, “People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” This message looks at some of the obstacles to confronting the truth and how to overcome them.

John 11:45-57 // [outline]

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Mob Rule

Mob Rule

Many people wonder about Jesus’ death. ‘Where there’s smoke, there’s fire,’ people say. ‘Maybe Jesus wasn’t as innocent as Christians like to suggest. Understanding why Jesus was crucified is crucial to understanding the message of Good Friday. It teaches us something about ourselves. And it teaches us something about Jesus. Join us for a reflection on His death and what it means for us today.

Mark 15:6-15

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Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?

Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?

For many people, Christian attitudes toward sexuality seem discriminatory, outdated, and prudish. ‘God has no place in the bedroom!’ they say, and there’s a genuine struggle to understand why God would want to put restrictions on love. This message takes those concerns seriously and looks for answers in the Bible and the experience of people today.

1 Thessalonians 4:3 // [outline]

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