We all have questions about life, and there are many voices in our world offering answers. This message looks at how to discern wisely and know whether the people we’re following and the answers we’re getting are going to help of hinder us.
James 3:13-18
It’s easier than ever to live in denial of the unpleasant realities of life. But a life of denial makes life’s painful realities almost unbearable when they hit. This message teaches us how to see life as it is when we’re tempted to look away and shows us the benefits that we receive when we do.
Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 // [outline]
We live in a culture where we’re trained to compete and taught to achieve. But the rewards don’t seem to satisfy, and our relationships are thinner than ever. This message looks at what happens when our goals are big and people are small and gives ways that we can build the kind of relationships that both strengthen and sustain us.
Ecclesiastes 4:1-16 // [outline]
Conflict hurts. Whether at work or in the home, arguments have a way of draining our energy and robbing our joy. The Book of James addresses conflict that the early church was having. They were fighting and arguing with each other. He addresses the root cause of conflict and shows how prayer can work to change us and our approach to the conflicts we face.
James 4:1-6 // [outline]
Sometimes, the Bible feels too abstract. We read what it says but still don’t know what it looks like. This message shows us what God can do to change a person’s life by looking at the changed lives of two first century disciples. They help us see that God isn’t just about platitudes but power to change.
Philippians 2:19-30 // [outline]
The path toward true greatness requires rethinking what it means to be great. We can do this by laying hold of the help and example of Jesus who was greatly honoured, precisely because He was willing to humble Himself.
Philippians 2:1-11 // [outline]
Selfishness hurts relationships and often spoils the good in our lives. But it’s difficult to recognize in ourselves and even more difficult to root out. This message looks at how we can relate to God in such a way that we can break free from the selfish patterns we’re prone to.
John 7:1-18 // [outline]