We grow in the life of faith by trusting and responding to what God has said. When churches talk more about what people say than what God has said, Christians drift into error. This message looks at how to hold onto truth when the world turns away from it.
1 Timothy 1:1-11
Many people who have walked away from religion have done so because they felt that the rules stifled grace and the people were marked by hypocrisy. This message looks at how Jesus sets people free when religion threatens compassion.
Luke 6:1-11
It’s easy to be smug when we read headlines or see examples of people around us caught in sin. But the fact is that we all have a tendency to deny the seriousness of our sin. This message looks at the consequences of holding onto sinful habits and how God helps to set us free.
1 Corinthians 6:9-20 // [outline]
The Good Samaritan is one of Jesus’ most famous stories. Despite our familiarity with it, most people hear the moral but miss the point. While confronting our indifference, prejudice and tendency to justify ourselves, Jesus helps us to see what’s needed for us to inherit eternal life.
Luke 10:25-37 // [outline]
We live in a time when making right/wrong judgments feels proud and exclusive. But the same Jesus who said, “Judge not, that you be not judged,” also said, “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” This message examines when it’s important to make up our mind and how we can go about it.
John 7:19-36 // [outline]