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The Cost of Neglect

The Cost of Neglect

PAUL SADLER | MAY 19, 2024

The people had found life back in the Promised Land harder than they expected. And with so many demands in their new life, God ended up taking a back seat. This message looks at the consequences they experienced and how we can reverse course when we find ourselves there.

Haggai 1:1-15


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What You Really Want Is More Contentment

What You Really Want Is More Contentment


We hear the message of “not enough” early and often. Before long we internalize it. This message looks at the power of contentment and how to develop it.

1 Timothy 6:1-10


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 Riches Can Be Earned, but Contentment is a Gift

Riches Can Be Earned, but Contentment is a Gift

We devote a big part of our lives to earning money and it often occupies our thoughts and conversations. Learning how to be financially content isn’t something we spend nearly as much focus on. This message looks at the attitudes toward money that don’t lead to satisfaction and shows us how we can find it.

Ecclesiastes 5:10-6:8 // [outline]

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When Your Goals Are Big and People Are Small

When Your Goals Are Big and People Are Small

We live in a culture where we’re trained to compete and taught to achieve. But the rewards don’t seem to satisfy, and our relationships are thinner than ever. This message looks at what happens when our goals are big and people are small and gives ways that we can build the kind of relationships that both strengthen and sustain us.

Ecclesiastes 4:1-16 // [outline]

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How to Stop Dreading and Start Enjoying Your Life

How to Stop Dreading and Start Enjoying Your Life

We all long to be happy, but often happiness feels beyond our reach. This message looks at a person who made the pursuit of happiness an extended research project and considers the wrong paths and ultimate direction of the joy that we all seek.

Ecclesiastes 2:1-26 // [outline]

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Why You're Not Satisfied

Why You're Not Satisfied

We live most of our lives thinking satisfaction is at the top of the next hill. But the people who have gone before us don’t seem to be experiencing it. This message looks at the causes of our dissatisfaction and where true satisfaction lies.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 // [outline]

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When Your Home Becomes a Castle

When Your Home Becomes a Castle

The pandemic has made us spend more time in our homes, and home renovations and home purchases are hotter than ever. Solomon’s greatest accomplishment was building a house for God, but it was overshadowed by the castle he built for himself. This message looks at how we can know when our priorities are out of balance and what we can do about them.

1 Kings 7:1-12 // [outline]

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The Bible's Hope for a Divided World

The Bible's Hope for a Divided World

In a world full of violence, injustice, sickness, and death, it can be easy to fall into feelings of hopelessness. Recognizing this, the Apostle John in Revelation 7 described a vision of hope that comforted the persecuted early church and should still comfort us today.

Revelation 7:9-17 // [outline]

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Looking for Love in the Wrong Places

Looking for Love in the Wrong Places

Most of us go through life, trying to fill what seems to be missing. And it often feels like God is getting in our way rather than helping us find what we want. This message looks at one person who tried to find satisfaction in romance, another in status, and a third in comfort. In all their circumstances, God was seeking to persuade them that He was the One who could truly satisfy them.

Genesis 29:31-30:24 // [outline]

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How Jesus Quenches Our Thirst

How Jesus Quenches Our Thirst

We all long for fullness in life and we seek it in different places. But Jesus claims to be the One who can truly fill us. This message looks at God’s plan to fill the hole in our lives and what we can do experience His filling.

 John 7:37-52 // [outline]

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The Secret of Contentment

The Secret of Contentment

We live at a time when we have more than ever but feel more dissatisfied just the same. Satisfaction can seem like it’s always just around the corner. This message looks at the secret of contentment and some of the lies that keep us from it.

Philippians 4:10-13 // [outline]

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Never Hunger Again

Never Hunger Again

Even when we seem to have everything we need, there’s a longing that we feel. There’s a spiritual hunger that we often try to feed with more stuff or more accomplishments or more relationships. But the hunger remains. In this message, we look at Jesus’s teachings about this hunger and how it can be satisfied.

John 6:22-40 // [outline]

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