Are drums from the devil? Should hemlines end at the ankle? Is homeschooling the only godly option? This morning's text from Galatians 3 pits the false promises of legalism against the better promises of faith.
Galatians 3:1-6
Most Bible scholars today are convinced that the last 12 verses of Mark’s Gospel were added by a scribe trying to fix what seemed like a strange ending. And yet, because they’re there, most people read them and miss what is likely the actual ending of Mark’s Gospel. This message looks at the incredible message in this ending that history almost erased.
Mark 16:1-8 // [outline]
Life can overwhelm us, and we find ourselves asking, What good is God if I’m going through all of these trials? This message looks at the help and assurance God provides when times are tough.
Romans 8:31-39 // [outline]
The songs and movies we hear this time of year tend to equate Christmas with the promise of romance, family, or tradition. The Christmas promises of the Bible are far more enduring. This message looks at the promise of a royal priest and how Jesus can give us hope for the year ahead.
Psalm 110:4 // [outline]
There are many terms we can use to describe the various fears which we have in our lives. But all the way from the time of today’s passage to the present day, one of the most powerful kinds of fears we have is the fear of other people. This message looks at the only true way we can conquer this fear in our lives - through a different kind of fear.
Genesis 32:1-21 // [outline]
People often wait until they hit rock bottom before they change. But at that point, the loss is great and some of the damage irreversible. This message looks at a group of people who were desperate enough to start over and some of the things that helped them when it seemed that there was no way forward.
2 Kings 21:19-22:2 // [outline]