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Who Are You To Correct God?

Who Are You To Correct God?


When life feels overwhelming, it’s easy to question God’s decisions or imagine we could do better. This message looks at how God confronts that attitude in Job and helps us to step back, see our limitations, and prepare for the day when we’ll meet Him ourselves.

Job 40:1-9; 42:1-6


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Bad Counsel: It Could Be So Much Worse

Bad Counsel: It Could Be So Much Worse


Assumptions usually cloud our judgment, but when we see people struggling that’s even more true. Zophar’s counsel to Job tore him down because he made assumptions about his friend’s past, his future, and God’s ways. This message looks at how we can avoid his mistakes and bring humility to the comfort we hold to.

Job 11:1-15


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How God's Forgiveness Can Change You

How God's Forgiveness Can Change You


We can often find ourselves growing critical and impatient with the people around us. Even our love for Jesus can grow cold. This passage looks at the causes and how God helps us to deal with them.

Luke 7:36-50


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When You Don't Deserve God's Help

When You Don't Deserve God's Help


Guilt and regrets can distance us from God. We don't feel like we deserve the help that others might be worthy of. This message looks at a person who was gripped by those regrets but found mercy in Jesus and learned something about the nature of true faith.

Luke 7:1-10


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When a Parents' Ambition Collides With Jesus' Call to Humility

When a Parents' Ambition Collides With Jesus' Call to Humility


Every parent wants the best for their child. But when we push the wrong values on our children, we do them more harm than good. This message looks at Jesus’ vision for our lives.

Matthew 20:20-28


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A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous

A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous


We all have questions about life, and there are many voices in our world offering answers. This message looks at how to discern wisely and know whether the people we’re following and the answers we’re getting are going to help of hinder us.

James 3:13-18


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Living Life Without the Answer Key

Living Life Without the Answer Key

It’s easier than ever to live in denial of the unpleasant realities of life. But a life of denial makes life’s painful realities almost unbearable when they hit. This message teaches us how to see life as it is when we’re tempted to look away and shows us the benefits that we receive when we do.

Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 // [outline]

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How to Show Love When It's Hard

How to Show Love When It's Hard

When division around us grows and people begin to take sides, it’s easy to forget that we’re called to be a people of love. This message looks at how to show love when loving doesn’t come easily.

Romans 12:9-21 // [outline]

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The Danger Lurking in the Good Times

The Danger Lurking in the Good Times

Everyone longs for the good times, but they never seem to last. Why is that? In this sermon, we examine Solomon in his glory days as King of Israel; we see the absolute power he had and the real dangers he faced. From Solomon’s good times, we learn how Christians should think and act when seeking or living in their good times.

1 Kings 9:10-28 // [outline]

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Things We Love More Than the Truth

Things We Love More Than the Truth

We all consider ourselves rational, open-minded people. The reality is, however, that we’re often not interested in listening to certain truths and can go to great lengths to avoid them. As Nietzsche said, “People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” This message looks at some of the obstacles to confronting the truth and how to overcome them.

John 11:45-57 // [outline]

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This One's Not for Sale

This One's Not for Sale

How do you respond to God’s blessings in your life? Some people take them for granted. Other people try to even accounts with God. But the Bible paints a different picture of how we can honour God for His grace in our lives. This message looks at a Syrian general’s response to God’s healing and teaches us how to respond to God’s grace.

2 Kings 5:15-19 // [outline]

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The Mighty Must be Humbled

The Mighty Must be Humbled

Sometimes we look to God and it feels like He’s turned His back on us. Other times we struggle to understand why He doesn’t do what we ask Him. This message looks at God’s dealing with a Syrian general who wanted healing and shows that there are good, divine purposes behind some of our disappointments with God.

2 Kings 5:8-14 // [outline]

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Breaking Free From I, Me, Mine

Breaking Free From I, Me, Mine

Selfishness hurts relationships and often spoils the good in our lives. But it’s difficult to recognize in ourselves and even more difficult to root out. This message looks at how we can relate to God in such a way that we can break free from the selfish patterns we’re prone to.

John 7:1-18 // [outline]

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