Many Christians are enthusiastic to share the good news about Jesus, until they get a negative reaction. It can be disorienting when people don’t share our excitement with the gospel. This message looks at what it takes to be effective in sharing our faith.
Colossians 4:2-6 // [outline]
Passages like the Lord’s Prayer can teach us what God wants us to pray about, but we can still be left wondering how. Our prayers can be timid and hesitant or flippant and casual. After Jesus taught His disciples what to pray, He also taught them how to pray. And the attitudes He encourages us to bring to prayer are both counter-intuitive and life-changing. This message looks at the boldness, persistence and confidence that God encourages in our prayers and what He’s seeking to do in our lives and our relationship with Him as we pray like this.
Luke 11:5-13 // [outline]