Almost everything has gotten faster in our world today. We have fast food, fast fashion, and fast lanes, but some things still seem to take forever. And we’re not very good at waiting! This message looks at how God can help us to wait when we feel impatient.
James 5:7-12
When we feel desperate, the temptation is to fight with the wrong people for the wrong things or just give up and settle. In this message, we learn from Jacob’s wrestling with God how to pursue Him for what our hearts most yearn for.
Genesis 32:22-32 // [outline]
Fog and uncertainty can bog us down and keep us from moving forward. But God is not finished with us. In today’s message we look at the help He gives to press on in the life He calls us to through the images of the athlete, the imitator and the citizen of heaven.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “The only fight which is lost is that which we give up.” Too often we don’t have the courage to persevere because the task feels too big and our resources feel too small. But often God deliberately aims to make us feel overwhelmed in order that we would trust Him and see the victory that only He can bring.
Judges 7:9-25 // [outline]