Almost everything has gotten faster in our world today. We have fast food, fast fashion, and fast lanes, but some things still seem to take forever. And we’re not very good at waiting! This message looks at how God can help us to wait when we feel impatient.
James 5:7-12
Events in Moses’ early adult life show that he has the makings of a great leader, but that isn’t enough. He’s been raised in privilege, and he has a passion for justice, but pride and self-sufficiency must be rooted out of him before he can be used by God.
Exodus 2:11-25
Prayer is a universal phenomenon that can be seen in almost every culture. Even many atheists pray. The question is how? How should a Christian’s prayers differ from the world? This message looks at principles to guide our prayers from the Apostle Paul’s prayer for the Colossians.
Colossians 1:1-14 // [outline]
Gratitude changes people’s lives, but how can we get it? We tend to rest our feelings of thanks on comfortable circumstances but God can build gratitude in us as we reflect on what He’s done and anticipate what He’ll do. Our gratitude grows as we move from spectator to participant in the purposes of God.
Philippians 1:1-11 // [outline]
Selfishness hurts relationships and often spoils the good in our lives. But it’s difficult to recognize in ourselves and even more difficult to root out. This message looks at how we can relate to God in such a way that we can break free from the selfish patterns we’re prone to.
John 7:1-18 // [outline]