People hear lots of sermons over the course of their lives, but how we respond to the message of the Bible has huge implications. This message looks at how to respond to God's Word and what happens when we do.
Luke 8:16-21
Many people would like to be closer to God, so the distance can feel mysterious. Jesus addressed some people who were far from Him and explained what was keeping them from moving forward. This message looks at the obstacles that keep us from God and what we can do about them.
Luke 7:24-35
Your credentials can be perfect, but you can still end up disqualified by your character. This message looks at how God guides us in the battle of faith and deals with our obedience before He leads us to achievement.
Exodus 4:18-31
Peter is famous for being the disciple who denied Jesus three times. Later, however, he demonstrated incredible courage in the face of persecution and eventual death. This message looks at what changed him and how we can develop convictions and courage in our lives today.
Acts 5:27-42 // [outline]
When we see the dysfunction in our world, we often wonder what God is doing about it. This message looks at how God seeks to change one person at a time by transforming how we approach marriage, parenting, and work.
Colossians 3:17-4:1 // [outline]
The pandemic has tested our love. It’s become easier to hate than it is to care or even understand. The Bible doesn’t just command love, however, it gives reasons to do so and motivation to fuel our love. This message looks at the reasons we should care when caring doesn’t come easily.
Romans 13:8-14 // [outline]
The words we leave our children have a profound influence on what they believe and how they will live. And yet we often spend too little time reflecting on those words or choosing them wisely. This message looks at David’s final words to his son Solomon and what we can learn from them to better impact those who will come after us.
1 Kings 2:1-12 // [outline]
Never before have we pursued freedom as a society like we do today. We hold it up as our highest good, but we seldom define it, and when we do, there’s usually not an accompanying discussion of consequences. This message looks at a biblical definition of freedom and how we can grow in it.
Romans 6:15-23 // [outline]
We all face the pressure of powerful people in our lives; governments, bosses, and popular classmates, but how should we respond to the pressure? Jacob, in Genesis 33, provides us a helpful example, showing us that God’s people walk the path of humility, generosity, and obedience.
Genesis 33:1-20 // [outline]
We often make cost benefit calculations about our obedience to God. We say things like, “I don’t think it’ll make that much difference anyway,” or “I did everything God wanted and it still didn’t work out.” This message looks at a person who was extraordinarily faithful and yet it didn’t seem to ‘work.’ It didn’t seem to change much. His life challenges us to reconsider why we do what we do.
2 Kings 23:21-27 // [outline]