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The Final Chapter That Helps You Endure the Book

The Final Chapter That Helps You Endure the Book


If Job knew how his story would end, it would have made it so much easier for him to face all that he suffered. This message looks at Job’s ending and what it teaches us about the hope that God holds out for all who trust in Him.

Job 42:7-17


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Bad Counsel: You Only Reap What You Sow

Bad Counsel: You Only Reap What You Sow


“You reap what you sow” seems so self-evident that it’s hard to deny. But when tragedy strikes, it becomes a cruel slogan. This message looks at the bad advice that added to Job’s misery and how we can discern the voices that can add to ours when we’re grieving.

Job 5:1-16


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Framing Our Lives with Worship

Framing Our Lives with Worship


In a world convulsing with violence, corruption, disaster, and bitter divisions, what’s the value of spending an hour or so in church? Multiplied millions of Christians worldwide do so, and this week we’ll explore why in this Psalm.

Psalm 122:1-9


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What do the 7 Bowls of Revelation Mean?

What do the 7 Bowls of Revelation Mean?

On one hand, we complain when people do terrible things and God ‘doesn’t do anything about it.’ On the other hand, we struggle with the idea of a God who judges the world. The vision of the 7 bowls helps makes sense of God’s judgment and how we should live in light of it.

Revelation 16:1-21 // [outline]

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God Gave Me a Politician?

God Gave Me a Politician?

Romans 13 has been used to justify the divine right of kings in medieval Europe, the atrocities of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, and the injustice of apartheid in South Africa. Rightly understood, however, this passage provides critical principles for understanding how our faith should cause us to think about and relate to government.

Romans 13:1-7 // [outline]

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Eventually the Cracks Will Show

Eventually the Cracks Will Show

For most of Solomon’s life, it seemed as if he could take steps of compromise without consequence. Eventually, however, his sins caught up with him and he tasted the bitter fruit of his choices. This message looks at the dimensions of God’s anger and how it should affect how we live.

1 Kings 11:9-43 // [outline]

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A Prayer to Reverse a Curse

A Prayer to Reverse a Curse

Our prayers often resemble shopping lists of things we want from a divine vending machine in the sky. And our relationship with God and His working in our lives are stunted when they do. This message looks at Solomon’s prayer when he dedicated the temple and how it should shape our own prayers today.

1 Kings 8:27-53 // [outline]

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The Audacity to Choose Wisdom

The Audacity to Choose Wisdom

We all have times in our lives when we feel like we don’t measure up. In the life of Solomon, he realized as a young king that the shoes of his father David were just too big to fill on his own. This message looks at what we need to do in these moments, the importance of humility before God, and what true wisdom looks like when it is applied.

1 Kings 3:1-28 // [outline]

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How Can a Good God Send People to Hell?

How Can a Good God Send People to Hell?

The idea of hell is troubling to many people today. It seems primitive and barbaric. Have we rightly understood the Bible’s teachings on this controversial doctrine? Is there a way to reconcile God’s love and goodness with a place of eternal torment? This message confronts these difficult questions through an examination of Jesus’ teachings.

Mark 9:42-48 // [outline]

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Turn Your Work Into an Act of Worship

Turn Your Work Into an Act of Worship

Colossians 3:22-4:1 // [outline]

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