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What's True of You on Your Worst Days

What's True of You on Your Worst Days


The Corinthians were the most dysfunctional church that Paul served. And yet there was so much that he could give thanks for. His words remind us who we are, even on our worst days. 

1 Corinthians 1:1-9


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When Your Eyes Are Opened to the Hidden Plan of God

When Your Eyes Are Opened to the Hidden Plan of God


Many people like Jesus but struggle to see Him clearly. Jesus may inspire you without transforming you. And even people who have trusted Jesus for a long time can wonder why they don’t see Jesus the way they might like. This message looks at how Jesus helps two of His disciples to truly see Him and how He can do the same in our lives today.

Luke 24:15-31


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It's Not the Christian Life if You Don't CONNECT

It's Not the Christian Life if You Don't CONNECT


Like many people, Saul faced struggles in attempting to connect with the church. There was trust to establish and fears to overcome. But it was through church fellowship that he found people who supported and protected him. This message looks at the importance of connecting with other Christians and how we can get better at it.

Acts 9:10-19, 26-31


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Discerning Not Condemning

Discerning Not Condemning

PAUL SADLER | MAY 21, 2023

“Judge not, and you will not be judged” is our generation’s favourite verse. But what does it really mean? This message looks at how the grace of God can help us to be less judgmental.

Luke 6:37-42


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When Your Goals Are Big and People Are Small

When Your Goals Are Big and People Are Small

We live in a culture where we’re trained to compete and taught to achieve. But the rewards don’t seem to satisfy, and our relationships are thinner than ever. This message looks at what happens when our goals are big and people are small and gives ways that we can build the kind of relationships that both strengthen and sustain us.

Ecclesiastes 4:1-16 // [outline]

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Share Your Life in Fellowship

Share Your Life in Fellowship

The 80s song “Personal Jesus” captures how most Christians see their faith. “Someone to hear your prayers; Someone who cares; Your own personal Jesus.” In seeking to personalize their faith, many have individualized it and failed to invest in the fellowship we need to grow. This message looks at the example of the early church and how to share our lives in fellowship.

Acts 2:42-47 // [outline]

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Where Were the Signs?

Where Were the Signs?

Unfortunately, it is not an uncommon thing to see people who grew up in the church and always had the right answers walk away from their faith completely. This message looks at how although Solomon had all the right answers, was a great leader, and heard from God directly, he still didn’t get a free pass. This should serve as both a warning of what things do not equate to salvation and a reassurance of what it is that we can truly trust in.

1 Kings 8:54-9:9 // [outline]

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This is How We Finish the Race

This is How We Finish the Race

Stress, isolation and uncertainty have led many Christians to pull back from Christian fellowship during the pandemic. In the first century, Jewish Christians faced the temptation because of persecution. This message looks at the reasons they were given to persevere and how they can help us finish the race in our day.

Hebrews 10:19-25 // [outline]

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How the Church Becomes All It Can Be

How the Church Becomes All It Can Be

We’d all love to attend the perfect church, but it’s hard to find one. Is there anything that regular people like you and me can do to make the church all that it can be? This message looks at how average Christians can partner with God in making the church extraordinary

1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 // [outline]

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We're Better Together

We're Better Together

Canadians are fiercely private. Individualism reigns. But Christian fellowship is one of the primary means God has given for our growth. This message looks at what fellowship can accomplish in our lives and how we can overcome the obstacles that keep us from it.

 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 // [outline]

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No One Said It Would Be Easy

No One Said It Would Be Easy

When we begin to walk with God, we assume life will be good and everything will start going our way. But Satan is a real influence in this world, and he opposes God and all who would turn to him. This message looks at how to discern his influence in your life and stand against his attacks.

1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:5 // [outline]

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A Change of Preoccupation

A Change of Preoccupation

Sometimes, the Bible feels too abstract. We read what it says but still don’t know what it looks like. This message shows us what God can do to change a person’s life by looking at the changed lives of two first century disciples. They help us see that God isn’t just about platitudes but power to change.

Philippians 2:19-30 // [outline]

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