It would have been so much easier for Saul to just keep his faith to himself and enjoy the privileges that his status and education afforded him. But he realized that the message he received was to be shared and his gifts were not his own. This message looks at how sharing the grace of God is critical to enjoying it.
Acts 9:19-31
Our guest speaker, Marcello Araujo, was born and raised in a Jewish family in Ecuador and became a political activist, zealous for Marxism. When he heard the good news about Jesus the Messiah, it transformed his life, his purpose, and his hope. In this message, he shares his story and the hope that now grips him.
Romans 11:1-12
As Paul introduces himself at the beginning of his letter to Rome, we get to see what he believes defines his life, which draws us to ask the question: What defines your life? What is your mission statement?
Romans 1:1-7
Jesus chose a group of unlikely men to make an extraordinary impact. This message looks at the 12 He chose and what they teach us about how He might be working in our own lives today.
Luke 6:12-19
We live at a time when Christianity is facing increasing criticism and dissenting from our culture’s values brings consequences. Stephen’s martyrdom provides principles that dispel the myths that we have about how to cope when opposition looms.
Acts 6:8-15, 7:57-60 // [outline]
Fears can keep us from following Jesus and serving Him. We fear what people might say. We fear what we might lose. We fear what we don’t know. This message looks at how Jesus meets us in our fears and how He builds His church in spite of them.
Acts 5:12-26 // outline
People around the world have found inspiration in Jesus’ Great Commission since He gave to the first disciples 2,000 years ago. Nick Helliwell shares insights he has gained from it as a missionary to Indigenous Peoples.
Matthew 28:16-20 // [outline]
Many Christians are enthusiastic to share the good news about Jesus, until they get a negative reaction. It can be disorienting when people don’t share our excitement with the gospel. This message looks at what it takes to be effective in sharing our faith.
Colossians 4:2-6 // [outline]
Most Bible scholars today are convinced that the last 12 verses of Mark’s Gospel were added by a scribe trying to fix what seemed like a strange ending. And yet, because they’re there, most people read them and miss what is likely the actual ending of Mark’s Gospel. This message looks at the incredible message in this ending that history almost erased.
Mark 16:1-8 // [outline]
It’s easy to become discouraged when you share your faith and those you love don’t seem to take notice. This message looks at how God gets the attention of even the most resistant people.
Revelation 11:1-14 // [outline]
Today, sharing our faith involves all kinds of obstacles, but it’s never been more important. This message returns to principles embedded in the Great Commission to better understand how we can share our faith.
Matthew 28:16-20 // [outline]
There’s so much in this world that can discourage us. We long to make a difference but struggle to understand how. This message looks at Philip’s encounter with an Ethiopian eunuch and shows us how God can use you as a force for good in our world today.
Acts 8:26-40 // [outline]