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Embracing the Blessing of Adversity

Embracing the Blessing of Adversity


Suffering always feels wrong—like something that should be removed as quickly as possible. But what if God intends adversity to be His servant, shaping us for our good? This message looks at how we can lay hold of God’s surprising blessings when trials come.

Job 33:12-30


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Why Doesn't God Stop Them?

Why Doesn't God Stop Them?


When evil people succeed or people do us wrong when we’re trying to do what’s right, it feels like God has abandoned us. Why doesn’t He stop them? This message looks at how God is at work in our lives and the people around us even when evil seems to have the upper hand.

Genesis 37:2-28


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Own Your Legacy

Own Your Legacy

We learn to procrastinate early, but as we grow older, we can put off the inevitable and fail to deal with important decisions in life. This message looks at how King David’s incredible legacy was almost destroyed by his failure to think ahead and take steps to prepare for the future.

1 Kings 1:1-53 // [outline]

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The Jewish Priest Who Made His African Mother Proud

The Jewish Priest Who Made His African Mother Proud

We see the injustice in our world today and wonder what it will take for God to show His mercy. Today’s passage looks at a man named Phinehas who was as jealous for God’s honour as God is. He secured mercy for God’s people and was promised a priestly dynasty as a result. It is significant that this hero of the early priesthood was the son of a Jewish father and African mother and distinguished by his African features.

Numbers 25:1-18 // [outline]

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Courage to Lead Your Family

Courage to Lead Your Family

We need courage for many things in life, but perhaps nowhere more than in the area of parenting. It takes courage to trust God’s wisdom for our children, especially when others are steering us in other directions. But it’s that wisdom that can lead them into a life of blessing.

Ephesians 6:1-4 // [outline]

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