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Why Doesn’t God Give Me What I Want?

Why Doesn’t God Give Me What I Want?

PAUL SADLER | September 1, 2024

When God doesn't give people what they want, some see it as evidence that He doesn't care, or He's not there. This passage looks at some people who didn't get what they wanted from Jesus, and it helps us understand what God might be doing in our own lives when things don't go our way.

Luke 8:26-39


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Why Isn't It My Turn for a Miracle?

Why Isn't It My Turn for a Miracle?


The miracles of Jesus are both comforting and awe-inspiring. But if He did that for them, we can't help but wonder when He doesn't do the same for us. This message looks at a person with just such doubts and shows us how Jesus addressed them. 

Luke 7:11-23


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It's Not the Christian Life if You Don't SHARE

It's Not the Christian Life if You Don't SHARE


It would have been so much easier for Saul to just keep his faith to himself and enjoy the privileges that his status and education afforded him. But he realized that the message he received was to be shared and his gifts were not his own. This message looks at how sharing the grace of God is critical to enjoying it.

Acts 9:19-31


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Trusting God When People Let You Down

Trusting God When People Let You Down


Disappointment can come to us in many forms. And it’s not long before a disappointment with our circumstances can turn into disillusionment with God. This message looks at what God was doing in Joseph’s disappointments and teaches us how to trust God when people let us down.

Genesis 40:1-8


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Why You're Not Satisfied

Why You're Not Satisfied

We live most of our lives thinking satisfaction is at the top of the next hill. But the people who have gone before us don’t seem to be experiencing it. This message looks at the causes of our dissatisfaction and where true satisfaction lies.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 // [outline]

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The Audacity to Choose Wisdom

The Audacity to Choose Wisdom

We all have times in our lives when we feel like we don’t measure up. In the life of Solomon, he realized as a young king that the shoes of his father David were just too big to fill on his own. This message looks at what we need to do in these moments, the importance of humility before God, and what true wisdom looks like when it is applied.

1 Kings 3:1-28 // [outline]

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Refiner's Fire

Refiner's Fire

When we look at the injustice of human trafficking, the #MeToo movement, racial prejudice and mass shootings, it feels like our world’s out of control. We wonder where God is. And if He’s seeing what we’re seeing, why isn’t He doing anything about it? Today’s passage looks at God’s plan to bring justice to our world.

Malachi 2:17-3:5 // [outline]

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