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Who are the Two Beasts of Revelation?

Who are the Two Beasts of Revelation?

Jesus Christ is the hero of the world, but who are the villains? In this sermon, we unpack who the true enemies of God's people are, what they want, and how they plan to get it. By the end of it, we will understand how to recognize the enemy, how to respond to their attacks, and why we have cause to hope in the midst of their opposition.

Revelation 13:1-18 // [outline]

Available on YouTube
Who are the Woman and the Dragon of Revelation?

Who are the Woman and the Dragon of Revelation?

When we ignore Satan’s influence, there’s much of our world that doesn’t make sense, and we’re left vulnerable to his attacks. This message looks at how the devil seeks to tear us down and the help that God has given us to overcome him.

Revelation 12:1-17 // [outline]

Available on YouTube
Speaking For God is Serious Business

Speaking For God is Serious Business

Today, people claim to get messages from the Lord. People will share things as if God is speaking through them. What do you do when someone gives you a prophecy? Is there a way of discerning whether the message is really from God? Today, we begin a series on prophecy by looking at some ground rules Moses laid down for discerning and dealing with prophets and prophecy.

Deuteronomy 13:1-5; 18:15-22 // [outline]

Available on YouTube